As season 9 of The Walking Dead comes closer, new showrunner Angela Kang gave her thoughts on one of the big plot lines left lingering from last season, the relationship between Maggie and Rick.
According to Kang, despite the tension that manifested between the two at the end of season 8, she insists that Rick and Maggie will still be on relatively good terms with each other, though of course things won’t be all roses with them. When season 9 of The Walking Dead picks up, Maggie will have made the Hilltop into a legitimate power player among the alliance to the point that she no longer has to automatically comply with Rick’s decisions.
"“But we’ll see that Maggie is just, you know, she’s not gonna just fall in line with everything Rick’s doing because she has to take care of her own people now. She’s got her own agendas and she’s gonna follow them”"
When things left off last season, Maggie had been shall we say less than happy with Rick. While Rick, Maggie and the rest of the alliance were ultimately victorious against Negan and the Saviors, Rick ultimately decided against killing Negan in an effort to build a more peaceful civilization.
Unsurprisingly, Maggie strongly disagreed with this decision and things ended with her conspiring with Daryl and Jesus to kill Negan when the time is right. Given that this was the same guy who made her watch while he beat her husband to death with a baseball bat, it’s not hard to see why she would feel this way.
Season 9 of The Walking Dead will premiere on AMC October 7th.
How do you think things with Rick and Maggie will play out in season 9? Give us your thoughts in the comment section.