Ozark season 2, episode 5 recap: ‘Game Day’

Ozark has convinced us that Agent Petty is the absolute worst–seriously.

Ozark really spilled the secrets in this episode and showed no signs of stopping. The raid on the Bryde home is still in full swing, and to make matters worse, authorities came across the box in which Charlotte had hidden the money she stole along with her weed.

Marty and Wendy had no idea about this money so that secret is revealed very quickly and abruptly forcing Marty to lie about it not being cartel money. This was another big episode for Agent Petty who pretty much put everything out there including confessing that he had been giving Rachel drugs, telling Marty that Ruth tried to kill him, that Jonah pulled a gun on Petty, telling Ruth that he had an affair with Russ, and honestly, the list goes on and on.

The kids finally learn the truth about Wendy’s affair as well which takes this dysfunctional family to another level. Honestly, things are such a mess and we have no idea if they will ever find stability. And with the FBI lurking around, the cartel is now on the Snells’ case to destroy their opium fields to prevent being caught.

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The convincing voice in all of this? Buddy. He basically convinces Wendy to take action on her own terms. So off they head to the Snells’ property so Wendy can distract Darlene while Buddy lights a fire on the fields. Buddy takes down those opium fields with glory and pride, and it sort of makes sense because of the scenes that follow.

Both Wendy and he escape from the Snells who are none the wiser as to what has just happened, but these are also Buddy’s final moments of life. R.I.P. Buddy, your skinny-dipping days will be missed.

This was a tough Ozark episode for Ruth who was tortured and waterboarded by Helen and the cartel who believe she may have been the rat (no thanks to Marty’s hesitation in answering the question). It’s safe to say she is rattled to her core, and it’s a shame that Marty did little to stop it all from happening.

Of course, Agent Petty didn’t help the situation when he planted it in Ruth’s head that the cartel was watching her and then proceeded to make gestures that made them think her and Petty were on the same side. Ugh, seriously, that guy needs to go like yesterday.