Disenchantment season 1, episode 7 recap: Love’s Tender Rampage

Episode 7 of Netflix series Disenchantment is about unrequited love, a little elf telling big lies, and a giant girl seeking another eye.

Like many episodes of Disenchantment, Love’s Tender Rampage begins with Princess Bean (Abbi Jacobson), Elfo (Nat Faxon) and Luci (Eric Andre) getting passed-out drunk.

This time they’re mistaken for dead (at least initially) and haphazardly tossed into the town’s plague pit! The pit is promptly lit on fire, but our intrepid trio escapes through a conveniently placed ladder.

However, Elfo’s a bit crestfallen again, as he wanted to kiss Bean in the pit (not the most romantic setting, but still…).

However, as the three head to the Den of Wonders (a drug den), Elfo tells the group he doesn’t need Bean anyway, as he already has a girlfriend. Put on the spot, Elfo improvises, mentioning a “super hot,” red-haired, one-eyed girl with a dead family.

After she sees the giantess in a hallucination, Bean sends some knights on a quest to find her. However, when they do find someone matching her description, she’s sent to the “Cheese Cave” under a dungeon, and Elfo is put in there with her.

Meet Tess

Eventually, the giant reveals her name as Tess (Jeny Batten), and it turns out she’s not some monster. Still, Elfo feels pressure to keep up the ruse, so he offers her an eye if she’ll go to a ball with him.

Because he doesn’t carry around spare real eyes, Elfo gives her a crystal ball for a new eye. Unfortunately, it doesn’t help her out much. Through a series of accidents, people come to think Tess is setting the castle on fire, and rampaging about like a mindless, giant monster.

In order to escape the standard, episode-ending hostile mob, Tess joins the trio in the Den of Wonders, where the mob experiences some hallucinatory effects and halts their pursuit (though they may end up chasing some dragons).

Ultimately, it’s a decent Disenchantment episode introducing a new, likable character. Also, the pig Prince Merkimer (Matt Berry) makes a brief appearance again, because why not?

Finally, Elfo and Bean actually do share a kiss, though it’s probably just the effects of the drugs…or is it? (Well, okay, it probably is, but you want some of the Mulder-and-Scully style “will they or won’t they?” tension).

That’s it for this Disenchantment recap! What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments!