Bojack Horseman season 5, episode 12 finale recap: The Stopped Show

Bojack makes a life-changing decision in the season 5 finale of Bojack Horseman.

Bojack Horseman takes us somewhere it hasn’t really before with Bojack finally taking a step to face his demons. This character has been so conflicted, disturbed, and confused so to see him moving forward and doing something he’s never been able to before is an improvement.

Remember how he nearly choked Gina out in the penultimate episode of this season? Well, he was so far gone with all the pills he had taken that he has no recollection of the incident. In fact, Princess Carolyn goes to great depths to ensure he doesn’t realize just how horrible of a thing he did.

After insisting Princess Carolyn tell him what he did, guilt overwhelms and he tries to fix the problem with Gina. He offers to take the blame but Gina isn’t on board with how his confession will negatively impact the stardom she has finally achieved.

Of course, it’s a crappy situation for all and perhaps it’s Bojack’s punishment to live with the secret of what he did. They try to play it off as a joke in interviews they do together, but it’s obvious how much Bojack is struggling to hide the truth.

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And in the spirit of Bojack Horseman keeping current events a part of their narrative, What Time Is It Right Now becomes a target for the #TimesUp movement.

It was only a matter of time until someone figured out Henry Fondle is a sex robot spewing sexual innuendos and inappropriate comments.

Naturally, the sex robot is booted out after an uncomfortable situation and the company reverts back to its original mission statement–telling people what time it is.

Unfortunately, Philbert gets canceled as a result with everyone free to do what they want since their contracts are now null and void.

Surprisingly, Fondle gets a job offer from Disney-Fox-AT&T-AOL-Time Warner-PepsiCo-Viacom-Halliburton-Skynet-Toyota-Trader Joes but knowing this charade can’t go on any longer, Todd literally pulls the plug on Fondle. R.I.P. Henry Fondle.

Princess Carolyn finds herself in a stressful situation when Sadie decides to give up her baby after all but Princess Carolyn is unable to get away from her work duties. And soon as news of the cancellation hit, she flew to Eden to meet the baby she would be adopting. We can’t wait to see Mama Carolyn and how she handles this new chapter in her life.

Meanwhile, Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter are a hot mess and after hooking up and keeping the secret from Pickles, there’s no telling what he is truly thinking. He can’t figure out who or what he wants, and it’s a testament to the multiple failed marriages and relationships he’s had.

He proposes to Pickles on a whim but given that he and Diane have been hooking up, it’s sure to be a complicated mess in the next potential season. It’s been a difficult season for Diane who has been lost in figuring out her thoughts and desires and finding herself confused amongst the disaster that is her life.

But the end of the season leaves us with a bittersweet feeling for both her and Bojack. When he shows up at her doorstep, it leads to Diane dropping him off at rehab to being the process of putting himself first and figuring out how to deal with all his problems.

And whether we perceive this to be a happy ending or not, Diane leaves him behind and heads off into the sunset. What things await her in the future? And where is she going? We have no idea, but for the first time in a long time, this decision of hers makes complete sense.