This is Us season 3, episode 7 recap: Sometimes

This is Us takes us back to Vietnam in the present and the past. We also see Jack and Rebecca’s bond deepen.

This week’s This is Us gave Kate and Randall a much-deserved break as we watched Kevin’s visit to Vietnam directly correlate to both Jack’s Vietnam experience and Jack and Rebecca’s Californian road trip.

Zoe has a secret

As Kevin and Zoe arrive in Vietnam and Kevin seems hopeful that he will be able to connect with his father like he never has before. He takes a selfie of the two of them, but Zoe asks him not to tag her on social media when he posts it.

At first, Kevin assumes she doesn’t want him to because they just aren’t there yet. But her father lives in China, and she doesn’t want him to know she’s in a neighboring country.

We know Zoe has a complicated past, as Beth said at the beginning of the season. And by the episode’s end, we find out why.

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The couple finds a good spot for lunch, where Zoe tries the bat soup. You heard it right, BAT SOUP. I’ll pass, thanks. As Zoe pokes fun at a touristy couple, Kevin notices the woman is wearing the same exact necklace he is. You know, the silver one with the boat wheel Jack gave him. The same necklace he saw around the neck of a Vietnamese woman in the picture.

Can I just say, that really annoyed me that Zoe made fun of the nice touristy couple? They are just living their lives, not hurting anyone. They’re trying to expand their horizons. Maybe they aren’t cultured enough to eat bat soup, but they’re trying.

Anyway, Kevin approaches the woman and asks her where she found it. It turns out; they sell A LOT of those necklaces in Vietnam.

Of course, Kevin is bummed that the necklace leads to a dead-end, but Zoe seemingly doesn’t care. It turns out; the bat soup is about to make a reappearance.

Later, Kevin sweetly takes care of Zoe, including telling her that he’s falling in love with her. Then, she discloses that her father sexually abused her. She wanted to tell him so that they can move on together without that hanging over her head. It’s a huge step in their relationship.

Back in Vietnam

Jack’s Vietnam flashbacks pick up right where Episode 4 (“Vietnam”) left off. Jack comes face-to-face with his brother, Nicky who’s on literal crap duty for going crazy.

Nicky, at first, seems happy to see him. But then he seems agitated and tells Jack that the Superman nickname is just that, a nickname and that he didn’t have to swoop in to save the day. And remember Jack volunteered for the war just to be close to Nicky and help him out.

Jack begs Nicky’s commanding officer to let him take Nicky with him, but there are rules. You can’t put brothers together on in the same unit in case one unit is wiped out. They can’t be writing telegrams to the same mother for two sons. It’s understandable.

Jack even tries to appeal to the CO’s heartstrings by telling them Nicky couldn’t even kill a spider, that he’s just not cut out for war. Instead, Jack is sent back to his fishing village on foot.

Luckily, he pays a man (a good guy, we hope) to take Jack most of the way on his motorcycle.
After he arrives, he hears a helicopter. It’s Nicky! His CO gives Jack two weeks with his brother to straighten him out.

So, now we know how they got together. But I am certain this happy reunion will be short-lived.

California Dreamin’

Jack and Rebecca take a road trip to California. Rebecca plans to meet with a record label, and Jack wants to visit “friends.”

It was cool seeing them nervous and awkward around each other. And as they grew more comfortable with each other, their two-bedroom motel rooms turned into one-bed motel rooms.
I enjoyed the sequence, especially when they slow danced in a diner along the way.

Rebecca cried at the site of an older couple dancing. I can relate because I cry at the site of cute little mom-moms and pop-pops as well. Seriously. Look at my Instagram stories sometime. I highlight the cutest ones I can find. Jack tells her he never cries, which she finds strange. I don’t because he’s a guy. And even if guys do cry, we rarely get to see it.

I cried here too because I know that Jack and Rebecca will never grow old together. It just got me.
When they arrive in Cali, to (of course) a house party somewhere in the Hollywood hills, Rebecca is wearing a KILLER dress that I want right now. Her friend, Nicole, who they’re staying with wants the 4-1-1 on Rebecca’s new beau. She tells her how closed off he is about his war experience and she wishes that he would just let her in. She wants to be wherever he is. AWWW!!!

Rebecca’s meeting with the music label didn’t go well. They called her “Pittsburgh good.” Ouch. But she’s Mandy Moore for God’s sake! She can actually sing.

Meanwhile, Jack visit’s Squirrel’s mother and father. Squirrel, if you remember, was the soldier killed going long for a football catch when he was blown up by a landmine. Jack feels so much guilt for how he died and wanted to apologize to his parents for taking his eye off their son. Of course, we know there is nothing Jack could have done to prevent what happened, and they let him know that.

What I think he’s doing here is looking for forgiveness for not only Squirrel but for what must have happened to Nicky, too.

When Jack picks Rebecca up from the label, he asks her to sing him the song she played for the label. At first, she hesitates. But he calls her, “Bec,” which we know is his nickname for her. It’s the first time he ever says it, and the first time anyone has ever called her that. As she sings, he cries. I cry. EVERYONE CRIES.

Until next week!

Read the last episode’s This is Us recap.

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