Game of Thrones refresher: Where they are now?

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Sansa Stark

A.K.A: Little Dove, Little Bird, Sansa Lannister, Sansa Bolton
Age at the start of season 8: 20 years old
First appearance: S1, E1, “Winter is Coming”
Best moment: Feeding Ramsay to his Hounds.
Worst moment: Being tortured by both Joffrey and Ramsay for years.
Where he/she is at the end of season 7: At Winterfell, after charging Littlefinger of countless crimes, she watches as Arya kills him. She tells Arya that she is the strongest person she knows.
Season 8 bold prediction: Sansa is the lady of Winterfell, and she’s already endured unimaginable horror since season 1. She is the eldest Stark, and she’s a good leader. When the war with the Army of the Dead is over, she will be matron of the north. And I hope to God she marries a nice man who will be good to her.

Photo Credit: HBO

Theon Greyjoy

A.K.A: Reek
Age at the start of season 8: 24 years old
First appearance: S1, E1, “Winter is Coming”
Best moment: Theon hasn’t had a “best moment” since he was at Winterfell during season 1.
Worst moment: Being tortured by Ramsay, culminating in the loss of a very important body part.
Where he/she is at the end of season 7: After earning the respect of the Iron born supporters of Yara (by getting the crap beat out of him), he rallies them to go rescue her from Euron.
Season 8 bold prediction: Theon is a broken man. That is proven when he crumbles to pieces when his uncle Euron attacks their fleet. He can’t comprehend what’s happening to his sister, enough to save her. Heck, I’d jump awkwardly into that black water, too. He’s been a sorry sack for quite a while. Can you blame him? He’s been a pawn in a game that had been going on before he was even born. But this is his chance to do what’s right and to redeem himself. No, saving Yara on that boat wasn’t the time.