The Handmaid’s Tale reminds of its gloom and doom in the opening minutes of this week’s episode.
The Handmaid’s Tale sure knows how to put a damper on things, right? This week’s episode kicks off with all the handmaids helping with executions, literally. They get together to pull the ropes on Aunt Lydia’s command which causes the wood platforms to fall from under those being punished. It’s all a bit gruesome but then again, this is The Handmaid’s Tale.
A little later on, June speaks to the Martha that is in charge of Hannah. She learns the location of Hannah’s school and the name of the guard that will be able to help June once she’s there. But there’s just one slight problem and that problem’s name is Ofmathew, who is watching June very closely from a distance. Uh oh.
Back in Canada, Moira and Emily bond over their similarities and concern over Nichole’s well-being. They want her to be able to stay in Canada and when Moira tells Emily that she’s going out for a protest, Emily joins her. They confront one of the Swiss officials and get in his face about why they’re even considering letting Nichole go back. Unfortunately, this gets both Moira and Emily arrested but hey, it was totally worth it.

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In hopes of going to Hannah’s school, Brookline, June devises a plan to get Eleanor Lawrence out of the house and a loooong walk, all the way to Brookline. She eventually confesses to Eleanor as to why she brought her out and much to her surprise, Eleanor agreed to help her see Hannah. The guards don’t let June into the school but allow Eleanor to go in under the pretenses of a tour. Poor June, she had to resort to listening to the children’s laughs from outside the school walls.
This The Handmaid’s Tale episode ends on a brutal note as we once again find ourselves at the execution platform. But this time, one of the Marthas turns out to be the very same Martha that was looking after Hannah. FREAKING OFMATHEW. In what seems to be a very cruel and ironic twist, June has to help the other handmaids execute this poor Martha after she risked her life to help June.
Let’s just June is not happy with Ofmathew and doesn’t hesitate to get in her face when she gets annoying AF about the whole ordeal. You should have kept your mouth shut, Ofmathew. Oh, and also you are the WORST.
New episodes of The Handmaid’s Tale premiere every Wednesday on Hulu!