This week’s episode of Pose gives us a fright as Pray Tell ends up in the hospital!
Pose is continuing to tell the story of a community that often goes ignored and unnoticed and this week’s episode takes it to the next level. As we know, thanks to some insisting from Blanca, Pray Tell finally decides to go on AZT and officially start the medication. However, when the episode begins, he ends up fainting in the middle of a ballroom competition as a result of side effects from the AZT.
It turns out AZT was causing his platelet count to drop low so he now has to stop taking it. Pray Tell is pretty bummed out about the whole ordeal because he was in the middle of planning the AIDs Cabaret which now will fall to Blanca to plan. Of course, she takes on the responsibility with no complaints because she’s a feeling a bit guilty for forcing Pray Tell to start the AZT in the first place.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I think Pray Tell needed this little break to get his priorities in order. After being heavily sedated, Pray Tell sees visions of people that have passed including Candy, his boyfriend Costas, and even his stepfather who raped him as a child. It’s quite emotional and jarring to see him face those that were once a part of his life. The scene with his stepfather, in particular, is what really got me, but it felt like something he needed to face and get out of his system.
Meanwhile, Blanca is busy trying to plan the AIDs Cabaret, she is unaware that her store’s landlord Frederica has some other plans for her. Basically, Frederica joins the cabaret and performs to keep Blanca occupied while she has workers vacate and take everything out of the nail salon, and then have it shut down.
Pose does remind us that even though the houses often compete against one another when it comes time to unite as a family, they’re all there for each other. And that’s exactly what Pray Tell does for Blanca. To protest against Frederica shutting down the nail salon, all the houses unite together to create a fuss and protest outside of the store.
Will it be enough to get Frederica to change her mind? It better be!
Pose airs every Tuesday at 10 PM on FX!