Pose season 2, episode 5 recap: What Would Candy Do?

Pose recovers from a heavy funeral episode as some much-needed good news heads Damon’s way.

Pose goes from an unexpected funeral to some pretty exciting news just within one week. As we all know, Vogue is the way to be at this point in the series, and Madonna is leading the charts and the hearts of the ballroom community. Serving as an inspiration, many members of the community are motivated to make something of themselves because of the song.

Amongst them is Damon who is busy dancing his heart in and out of the ballroom, and is approached in this week’s episode to audition for Madonna’s upcoming tour.

But he’s not the only one being presented such an amazing opportunity, because as we learn, Ricky is in the mix too, and Elektra will go to any limit to ensure that he makes it as far as he can.

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But many will be surprised to learn that the biggest thing standing in Damon’s way is Blanca, who insists that unless he gets permission he cannot even think about going to audition. He’s nearly done with school and he’s worked way too hard to give it up now–and I agree with her 100%.

Not only does Damon get permission, but he gets Helena’s blessing because she was once in his shoes too. And guess what? If he’s selected, he can come back and finish up the rest of his semester!

Meanwhile, in House Wintour, we start to see just how brutal it is to have Elektra as your mother versus Blanca who is caring and nurturing. I’m not sure how anyone can live in that house, she doesn’t even support them or love them as she should! Blanca is definitely the best mother out there in Pose, and Elektra needs to either go or calm down.

Luckily, despite being exes, Damon and Ricky aren’t really involved in their house dramas and go to the audition hoping to get their shot. That doesn’t exactly work out but they do get a shot at being on Solid Gold. So, at least there’s that!

Overall, this week’s episode of Pose was a welcome change from the tragedy and sadness of last week’s and I’m glad to see everyone pushing forward to bigger and better things. Now, let’s just hope things actually stay that way.