Lost in Space season 2, episode 7 recap: Evolution

LOST IN SPACE - Credit: Netflix
LOST IN SPACE - Credit: Netflix

Episode 7 of Season 2 of Netflix series Lost in Space is packed with at least two mutinies, and Dr. Smith proves herself useful once again.

Previously on Lost in Space, Don West (Ignacio Serricchio) saved Penny (Mina Sundwall), June/Dr. Smith (Parker Posey), Vijay (Ajay Friese), and Mr. Jackson (Rob LaBelle). Also, Will Robinson (Maxwell Jenkins) found his robot (Brian Steele).

That’s where episode 207 kicks off. It has been revealed that, as far as anyone knows, Will’s robot is the only way to get to Alpha Centauri. However, Hastings (Douglas Hodge) and Officer Ben Adler (JJ Feild) don’t trust the robot and privately discuss the need to commandeer it, should it decide not to pilot their ship.

There’s another problem, though: Captain Kamal (Sakina Jaffrey) says they have 200,000 gallons of contaminated water, putting a strain on the mission. It’s said that it would take a full year to clean the water.

While this Lost in Space episode contains its share of drama, there are a few gentler moments. Will introduces the robot to horses, even teaching “him” how to feed the animals. However, the robot seems to distrust Ben, and the feeling is apparently mutual. The reasoning is simple: It’s only a machine, right?

It’s also known that the robots are potentially deadly if they fall into the wrong hands. Additionally, this robot has too much of an independent mind. For example, it doesn’t understand that domesticating the horse is desirable or necessary, and the robot seems to sense the horse’s feelings (is the robot into animal rights and might it extrapolate that sense for itself?).

John and June

In the episode right before this, June Harris played the role of good Dr. Smith quite well, after Penny convinced her to employ psychology to get Mr. Jackson in the cargo container to save his life. Now Smith proves herself useful yet again. John (Toby Stephens) meets her about breaking and entering into Captain Kamal’s office, to learn some mysterious transmission.

She agrees to help in his criminal act, but that he will owe her. Because she has a security clearance, she accesses the office easily. As this is happening, Don accidentally informs Judy Robinson (Taylor Russell) of her dad’s coordinating with Smith.

Later it’s revealed that Smith ratted him out beforehand, as it was deemed a mutinous act. However, it’s also revealed that the arrest is merely symbolic, coordinated to keep up the decorum of law and order aboard the vessel.

June also reveals that, because there’s only enough water for a limited number of people, some will be left behind on a nearby planet (Though it’s refreshing how many habitable places these space travelers happen to find. It makes it a little easier to be lost in space.). On the bright side, John finds the transmission from the alien ship, and it appears many aliens are around the Resolute.

Empathy, Entropy, and Mutiny

The complex emotional makeup of Will’s robot is explored more, too. After buffalo-like animals stampede from being chased by giant lizards, the robot actually works to save the horse, whose name is “Gypsy.” Unfortunately, though, the horse gets cut in the process, and the cut is infected with a toxin. As the horse dies, the robot grieves.

The whole scene seems to rattle Hastings, likely because it shows a robot with a potentially independent will, rather than some unthinking, programmable machine. Still, Ben assures Hastings that the robot will freely help them, based on its affinity with Will Robinson.

The episode winds down with Maureen (Molly Parker) noticing a “gas giant” planet. She proposes mutiny to visit the planet, feeling that the ammonium could help decontaminate the water supply, thus ensuring everyone can make it to Alpha Centauri.

Finally, Hastings says that Will may be the most important person on the ship, thanks to his connection with the robot, who will itself be linked to operating the alien engine.

What are your thoughts on this episode of Lost in Space? Did the robot feeding the horse make you say “Aww?” Let us know in the comments!