Love 101 comes to an end with an explosive apology, and the truth comes out about Burcu and Kemal. Plus, we find out who shows up in the future.
The finale episode of Love 101 concluded the major storylines of the season while leaving plenty of open-ended questions and new mysteries to set up a potential Season 2.
Osman, Isik, Sinan, Eda, and Kerem are expelled from school when they refuse to apologize to their peers. After a heartfelt plea to her staff members, Burcu manages to save them all one last time, before realizing how they meddled in her love life.
Despite everything, Burcu and Kemal still end the series together. Kemal proves he wants to fight for Burcu. Kemal believes in their love, regardless of how it began. However, the finale left us with many burning questions.
5. Who is at the door?
In the final moments of the finale, Eda and Isik are startled to hear a knock at the door. Is it Osman? Sinan? Or Kerem?
Kerem getting arrested makes the most sense, and Sinan might not be alive. Isik’s reaction to the painting of the old couple implies something terrible happened to him. If both of those statements are true, then Osman could be on the front steps.
But wouldn’t it be a little predictable? The real answer might surprise us.
4. What happened to the group between the bonfire and the flash-forward?
The last time we see the teenagers together, and happy is the night after they all refuse to humiliate themselves by reciting Necdet’s ridiculous apology speech. Despite their expulsion, each member of the friend circle looks happy and hopeful for the future as they burn their school uniforms, including Isik.
In the future, a distraught Isik alludes to unseen events occurring between high school and now. Eda has an emotional breakdown in the season finale. She blames herself for a “fight,” saying she wished they all could have “another chance.”
All of the details are kept vague. The most substantial implication is none of the couples are together anymore, and something happened to drive them all apart and into their separate directions.

3. Did Sinan commit suicide?
Many Twitter users think Sinan is dead, and Love 101 appeared to foreshadow Sinan’s demise. At one point, Sinan tried to drown himself. Later, Eda made a glib remark, telling him to “go die like he always wanted to.” In the flash-forward, Isik bursts into tears when she sees the painting they bonded over.
The final hint is the fact Isik writes three letters, leaving a glaring omission from the group of five. All of these signs suggest death in the friend group, and Sinan is the most obvious choice.
2. Who is in jail?
One of the five main characters is in prison. In the first episode, Isik sends a letter to an inmate. Just like Sinan is the obvious choice for the deceased, Kerem would be the obvious choice to land in jail.
He consistently got himself into trouble by lashing out with his fists and getting into random brawls. It isn’t far-fetched to imagine he ended up behind bars. Or could it be Osman, who will go to extreme lengths for a quick buck?
1. Will there be another season?
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Netflix takes a while to decide the renewal and cancellation status of its shows. It is still too soon to expect a decision regarding Love 101‘s future. We can always guess.
Love 101 appears to have performed well with fans and on social media. The showrunners anticipate getting a renewal, hence the many cliffhangers they set up at the end of the finale.
The only potential caveat in renewal is a Turkish controversy. As Bustle reported, before Love 101 premiered, there were rumors of a gay character. Having completed the show, I can say there isn’t even a hint of a gay character unless the show intends to make Osman gay.
If anything, it is disappointing not to see LGBTQIA+ representation in the teen drama. In Turkey, homosexuality is not illegal, per se, but it is heavily frowned upon and often met with discrimination, hence the controversy. Since Love 101‘s release, the hubbub has died down.
Plus, Netflix has had controversial shows in the past, i.e., 13 Reasons Why and Insatiable, both series got at least two seasons.
What are your final opinions on Season 1 of Love 101? Are you looking forward to watching a potential second season? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
Season 1 of Love 101 is currently streaming on Netflix.