The Woods Season 1: A phone call can change it all for Pawel.
In the last part of Episode 2, Laura was dialing Pawel’s number and Pawel picked up the phone! What are they going to say to each other? One thing is for sure, this Netflix Original The Woods Season 1 has us hanging on every word!
We begin in 1994, Lubelski is interviewing David. He is asking what David did to the kids, but David is maintaining his innocence. We then see Laura walking home when two boys approach her and start harassing her about where the missing people are.
Pawel shows up and tells the guys to leave her alone. The boys take off and Pawel is trying to talk to Laura, but she has gone into her apartment building. Laura is struggling and does not want to talk to Pawel.
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We jump to 2019. Pawel is in his apartment. He takes out an envelope. It is a picture of Laura. Are we even going to hear what happened on that phone call?
Laura is now getting ready to go to a meeting. Only she gets a little too dressed up. Is she meeting Pawel? She even takes off her wedding ring. She IS meeting Pawel!
They meet at his office and she shows him the paper that Sylvia wrote. She still doesn’t believe it was written about Sylvia’s brother. Pawel then shows her the case file of Mark and asks her if she thinks it is Arthur. He then shows her the scar photo. She asks if they can do a DNA test, but his parents won’t consent to one. She thinks that maybe it could be him.

We go back to 1994. There are people out searching the woods for Kamila. Pawel’s father is still blaming Pawel’s mother for the loss of their daughter. He claims that he has nothing left to live for and Pawel overhears him.
Lubelski is listening back to all of his interview tapes. David continues to get harassing phone calls. Pawel’s mother happens to be at David’s house and listens to one. She wants them to run away together with Laura and Pawel, but he won’t do it.
Pawel then sees his own mother leaving David’s apartment. Pawel sees Laura and tries to talk to her. He asks her what is wrong and she tells him that her father does want to leave. Laura and Pawel plan to meet up the following day.
In the present day, Laura and Pawel are going through pictures. Even though she took her wedding ring off, Pawel tells her that he knows she is married. Laura knows that Pawel has lost his wife.
Pawel goes back home to his daughter, Kiah, who is worried that he is going to leave. He reassures her that he won’t leave. Pawel’s sister in law tells Pawel that she is worried about Kiah. We begin to learn more about Pawel’s mom leaving. We also find out that Pawel was then raised by his father.
The Woods Season 1: Pawel’s family unravels
We return to the woods in 1994. Pawel is watching his father digging holes. He then leaves to go to school. The same boys that were harassing Laura are now going after Pawel. They think David is responsible for the disappearances and murders. But, Pawel is defensive and gets into a little fight with them.
We are then at Daniel’s and Monika’s funeral. David and Laura show up with flowers, but their presence is not wanted by the others.
Pawel is called into a room by his parents. They talk about how hard it is not knowing what happened to Kamila. Things get heated and Pawel calls his mother out on going to see David. Pawel runs to his room and his mom makes the same promise that she will never leave.
We go to David and Laura’s home. We learn that the families of the four children are serving them with lawsuits. They want them to pay. David breaks down.
We jump to an older David sitting by the water, drawing. It looks like an aid comes to get him. She is asking what he drew, but he gets very upset and starts to throw a fit. Laura arrives at the home that her father is in and is told that her father is getting very aggressive.
Laura sits with her father. She tells him that she saw Pawel and that he wants pictures from camp. David does not want to help because according to him, no one helped them in 1994. With a little convincing, David gives up the location of the photos. When Laura goes to look, she finds that he has cut up all of the photos. David claims he didn’t cut them up, that the woods did.
The Woods Season 1: Pawel and Laura are in for a surprise.
On the way out, Laura is asked to sign the visitor’s log and she sees that the name Mark has signed in before her. She immediately calls Pawel. They make a plan to visit Arthur’s parents.
Pawel is then called to meet the boss. Pawel is on the cover of a tabloid for the case he is working on. He then tells her that there is a witness. She wants the witness to sign a testimony, as soon as possible. But, there is no witness!
Pawel goes to pick up his daughter. Only he has a weird feeling like something is watching him. He goes to walk over to the car, but that car speeds away upon Pawel’s approach. Pawel jumps back into his car and tries to catch up. He couldn’t and ends up losing the car.
Laura is eating dinner with her husband. She is telling him that she has to work tomorrow and he seems to be onto the fact that she is hiding something.
Laura and Pawel arrive at Arthur’s parent’s home. They still do not want to believe that the body was Arthur’s. Before Laura and Pawel leave, Pawel asks to use the bathroom. Laura reintroduces herself and they do not seem pleased to see her.
On the way out, Pawel and Laura both say that they think his parents are hiding something. Pawel takes some hair from the bathroom to get the DNA test — illegally.
Pawel gets a call from Arthur’s girlfriend. She did some research to make sure he was a prosecutor before telling him what she knows. She gives him the keys to Arthur’s apartment.
Pawel gets inside the apartment and finds it has been emptied, but a door opens. Someone walks in. It is the inspector. The inspector is implying that Pawel is guilty. Pawel leaves the inspector in the apartment and goes back to his car. There is an envelope on his windshield. It is a picture of his wife with the words “wife murderer.”
Did something else happen in Pawel’s life that we do not know about? Did his wife really die of illness? Will Pawel be pinned for the murder of Arthur? Will Arthur’s parents come around? We will keep our eyes on The Woods Season 1 because things are getting good!
To keep up watch The Woods Season 1 on Netflix, now!