Hightown Season 1, Episode 6 recap: Jackie crosses paths with Frankie

Hightown Season 1 -- Courtesy of Macall Polay/STARZ
Hightown Season 1 -- Courtesy of Macall Polay/STARZ

Hightown Season 1, Episode 6 recap: Junior goes off the deep end

Hightown Season 1, Episode 6, could have easily been titled something like “Everyone Is An Idiot,” but in reality, it was named “The White Whale” based on a quote Jackie says to Frankie while doing something idiotic. 

But let’s rewind a little bit before we get to that epic meeting of the minds.

Junior is not coping well with Krista’s murder, like, at all. He worries his girlfriend, who initially thinks that he is using drugs again. He’s not, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Junior goes off the deep end by season’s end (if he makes it out alive).

Instead, he gets even deeper into selling drugs again, especially now that Osito has officially decided to “step out” on Frankie with Wayne (the guy we were first introduced to last week).

Osito gives Frankie a gun and everything, which I’m sure is going to come back into play within the final two episodes of the season.

Even though Junior might not be using again, he’s still blowing off his responsibilities, leaving his girl and daughter hanging when she tries to get him to visit an open house for a townhome. He bails on his plans, choosing instead to antagonize drug users in the Cape.

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The worst moment comes when Junior shows up at a sketchy hotel room filled with like three leather daddies getting ready for a BDSM party or something and tries to overcharge them for their drugs, along with throwing in a few homophobic digs.

I don’t personally think Junior is a homophobe, but he obviously wanted a fight. He appears to be verging on suicidal. He gets his wish since none of the guys are happy with how he treats them, and they beat him to a bloody pulp.

Jackie’s world finally collides with Frankie and Renee’s

Krista’s death serves as a significant turning point for Jackie. She goes to an AA meeting and confesses her latest screw-up to Ed. Maybe this time, Jackie will manage to get clean for good.

But she’s not backing down from ensuring the men responsible for Sherry and Krista’s deaths are behind bars. Jackie finally learns the name “Frankie Cuevas” and begins doing some digging into his past.

She knows he is in jail and the one responsible for all the murders, but she also wants to make sure he stays in prison until the end of time.

During her research, she digs up Renee’s name and her place of work. Jackie decides to visit “Candy” at Xavier’s. I was glad to see Renee and Jackie share a scene finally, and I’m hoping we’ll get more of that in the show’s second season.

Jackie pays for a private dance to get some alone time with Renee and awkwardly segues into hot water by asking about Frankie. Well, Renee is not pleased. She already had an unpleasant visit with Frankie at the jail earlier in the episode, where he essentially called her trash and claimed she’d be stuck with him forever.

Frankie also reveals that Ray has a bad habit of sleeping with the women he’s trying to get information out of, although we don’t yet know how the reveal is going to play out between Renee and Ray just yet.

Back to Jackie, Renee tells her to f–k off, so the visit leads to a dead end, except Renee advises Jackie to visit Frankie for herself if she wants answers so bad.

Well, Jackie does visit Frankie in prison. She puts herself right onto his radar, revealing basically everything she knows about him and his operation. He threatens her, and she threatens him right back. I’m not sure it was the smartest decision on her part.

However, her chat with Frankie reveals one crucial fact: Someone she knows has been talking to him because Frankie knows who she is and where she works. She immediately heads to work and bribes one of her co-workers into letting her into the database on a molehunt.

Ray hits a dead end

Ray doesn’t have a ton to do this episode except to be a shoulder to cry on for Renee. She turns away from her son for one second, and he leaps off the couch and busts his head open, requiring stitches.

Ray rushes to the hospital to be with her and offer her some support.

Then he and Leslie close in on Scotty, the drug dealer. With Scotty, they get closer to Osito, but not close enough.

Ray and Alan bring Osito down to the station after finding him holed up with his girlfriend, Kathleen. The problem is, they don’t have anything to hold him on, and Osito knows that. Kathleen calls his lawyer, and Osito clams up until his attorney gets there, leaving Ray back in square one.

I get the feeling he’s going to do something extra reckless in the final two episodes as he tries to nail Osito once and for all.

How did Hightown Season 1, Episode 6 end?

In the final moments of the episode, Jackie realizes that it was Junior who took his boat out the night Sherry died. She also seems to link him to Frankie, meaning he might be the person who told Frankie about her and her job.

The preview for the next week’s episode, which also serves as the penultimate hour of Hightown Season 1, shows Osito taking Junior out in the woods to kill him. Will he go through with it, or is it a misdirect?

What did you think about Hightown Season 1, Episode 6? What will Frankie’s next move be? How much trouble is Jackie really in? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

New episodes of Hightown Season 1 air Sunday nights at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Starz. Episodes also become available at midnight on the Starz streaming app.