Made for Love is a new dark comedy series debuting this Thursday, April 1 on HBO Max. Starring Cristin Milioti and Billy Magnussen, Made for Love is based on Alissa Nutting’s tragicomic novel centering on a woman on the run from her controlling, tech billionaire husband.
What starts as a seemingly perfect romance soon spirals out of control when Hazel Green (Milioti) discovers her husband, Byron Gogol (Magnussen) has implanted a “Made for Love” chip into her brain. Like an episode of Black Mirror, this chip allows Byron to monitor, track and watch Hazel no matter what she’s doing, even as she tries to flee from him.
Apart from Magnussen and Milioti, the series also stars Ray Romano as Hazel’s widower father Herbert, who keeps company with a synthetic partner named Diane.
The first three episodes of Made for Love will begin streaming on April 1, with new episodes releasing weekly after that.
What are critics saying about Made for Love?
So far, the series is doing well with critics. Many have praised Milioti in particular for her performance. Currently, the show sits at an 86% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
Magnusson & Milioti preview Made for Love
Stars Magnusson and Milioti sat down with TVLine to discuss the series, including the inevitable comparisons to Black Mirror. Based on the way they chat about the show, it sounds like it’s going to go completely off the rails once Hazel tries to escape her husband’s clutches. Obviously, he has an implant put in her brain so she won’t be able to leave him without some serious challenges.
Specifically, Magnusson says, “The latter half is about a couple trying to figure it out. Even though it’s an absurd, crazy world — and the prism of life is definitely tilted a bit through our show — it is two people trying to revive a relationship and figure it out, and see how they can come to an understanding or agreement.”
Watch the official trailer for Made for Love below:
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The first three episodes of Made For Love Season 1 will start streaming on Thursday, April 1 on HBO Max.