In the season 1 finale of Motherland: Fort Salem, we had so many questions left unanswered. What is going to happen to Tally? Will Raelle find out her mom is alive? Will the Spree befriend the witches of Fort Salem to fight the Camarilla?
Season 2 begins with a choir. A girl is singing to a church of people. The glass window behind her starts to melt away. Everyone is in shock, but the girl continues to sing.
The girl realizes that everyone is looking at something. She turns around to see it. People start to walk out of the church, while others stay and bow their heads.
Who is this girl?
Motherland: Fort Salem Season 2 Premiere: Who is the girl in the church?
We go back to the plane. Tally and Adil are on it. Adil is upset thinking that Abigail didn’t make it out.
Scylla is sitting down with Raelle’s mother, Willa. Scylla is angry that she didn’t know the truth, but Willa says that there is more to the story.
Scylla sees a vision of one woman taking down the lead members of The Spree. It is the Camarilla.
Willa wants Scylla’s help to take them down.
Alder returns back to the base where she is met with Abigail’s mother. She is angry at Alder for taking the young girls with her on the mission.
Anacostia is also there. She sees Tally for the first time.
They all go inside. General Bellweather, Abigail’s mother, walks in. She is there to give them the intelligence about the Camarilla and their attack on The Spree.
The Camarilla had made it look like The Spree attacked the soccer game in order to draw out the witches of Fort Salem. And it worked.
Then there is breaking news that Vice President Silver’s daughter, the one from the church, might be a witch. They want to test her.
Abigail and Raelle are still making their way through the fields. They come across something that they did. While they are looking, they get taken into custody by Fort Salem witches.
Tally is working in Alder’s quarters when Alder calls her over to talk. Alder thanks her for becoming a biddy and says that she has a lot to learn. Alder then says that she will offer her a chance to go back to her regular life as it was.
Just then they get the news that Abigail and Raelle are alive.
Motherland: Fort Salem Season 2 Recap: What did Raelle and Abigail do?
The Vice President comes to meet with General Alder. She wants to know about his daughter. Alder mentions that his wife had to be a witch in order for his daughter to have powers. They ask to test her, but he is skeptical.
Abigail and Raelle have made it back to Fort Salem safely. Once there, Abigail’s mom greets them and then they go to see Tally.
Alder is in the middle of a room. The witches are working. It looks like Tally is being disconnected from the biddies and another witch takes her place.
They take Tally to the infirmary and when she wakes up Raelle and Abigail are there. Tally knows that Raelle and Abigail made the explosion in the field.
Raelle doesn’t want to tell Alder, but Abigail does. Abigail thinks that whatever she and Raelle can do can fight the army without using their vocal cords.
Adil is back with Khalida. Khalida wants to leave but Adil doesn’t want to run anymore.
Raelle and Abigail are in Alder’s office recounting their events. They get to the part where they created the blast and Raelle tells Alder the truth.
Scylla is still with Willa. Willa was the one that was in charge of the soccer stadium. When she goes to tell Scylla about it, Scylla realizes that someone is watching them with magic.
It is Anacostia. They now have to move.
Raelle and Abigail are asked to work together to practice their gift, but Abigail wants to know more about the Camarilla. Alder doesn’t give up any information.
As Abigail leaves, she runs into Adil. Khalida talks to Raelle and hands her something that was her mom’s. Khalida tells Raelle to save her brother because she thinks that he doesn’t belong here.
Tally is inside and getting ready for bed. Alder comes in and asks how she is feeling. Tally mentions that she misses Alder very much. Alder tells her that it should subside as time passes but it may feel like she lost a daughter or mother for a while.

Motherland: Fort Salem Season 2 Premiere: Is the Silver’s daughter a witch?
The Vice President’s daughter is being tested. She has the vocal cords and the voice. She is a witch.
Willa and Scylla are on the move as different people. They go to the sight of a previous Spree attack. Willa thinks that there are people gathering there for a different reason.
Tally, Raelle, and Abigail are all in the infirmary. Abigail is talking about her relationship with Adil. Anacostia walks in and asks for their medals. They have all gotten into war college.
Tally goes to bed that night and has a dream of her being in the forest with Alder. They are all being attacked by huge worms. Tally calls out, but no one can hear her. She wakes up screaming.
Raelle and Abigail are there. We don’t think this was a random dream.
Tally has the marks to prove it.
Are Tally and Alder still connected? What do you think? Leave a comment below!
You can watch Motherland: Fort Salem every Tuesday at 10/9c on Freeform!