The titular superhero show of The CW, The Flash, will be airing its milestone 150th episode tonight, and we couldn’t be more excited for it.
It doesn’t feel like too long ago that we saw Grant Gustin on our screen for the first time as Barry Allen in Season 2 of Arrow. But it has been eight years since Barry Allen got hit by a bolt of lightning and changed the course of the Arrowverse forever.
Looking back to when we first started watching Arrow, it is crazy to think about the show including any sort of big superpowers, let alone spanning off an entire superhero universe with the help of the introduction of The Flash.
The massive success of The Flash paved the way for DC and The CW to launch many more superhero shows such as Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow, Batwoman, and even the cinematic latest addition, Superman and Lois.
The Flash was the biggest show on The CW for six years.
The Flash‘s very first season brought record numbers of 4.5 million viewers per week to The CW and was an even bigger hit in streaming all across the world.
This show proved that the grander geeky comic book stuff can actually work on TV as well. The Flash had a near-perfect freshman season with the help of its cast’s stellar performance, its brilliant script, and the show’s even more insane twists.
And granted, the show hasn’t exactly been able to recreate the same magic as the first two seasons ever since. But it’s the same show that introduced us to the multiverse and brought Kara Danvers into the Arrowverse.
The show also gave us Flashpoint and led to epic superhero team-ups with giant roasters where our heroes didn’t just fight aliens but also fought intergalactic evils from multiple different timelines, which just goes to show how far really the Arrowverse has come and how much The Flash contributed to it.
The Flash even gave us one of the biggest TV events in history in the form of Crisis on Infinite Earths and lived up to the promise it shot for in Season 1. The show certainly has had its huge ups and downs, but it is remarkable how far this show has come, and its legacy is one that won’t be forgotten for a long time.
The Flash’s 150th episode will air tonight on The CW and feature The Flash Family members Impulse, Jay Garrick, and XS.