Why Women Kill Season 2, Episode 8 recap: Murder, My Sweet

Pictured: Nick Frost as Bertram of the Paramount+ series WHY WOMEN KILL Photo Cr: Nicole Wilder/ ©2021 Paramount+, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Pictured: Nick Frost as Bertram of the Paramount+ series WHY WOMEN KILL Photo Cr: Nicole Wilder/ ©2021 Paramount+, Inc. All Rights Reserved. /

Why Women Kill Season 2 gives us its darkest episode yet as Alma (Allison Tolman) embraces the villain with her, while Rita (Lana Parrilla) leans toward the side of humanity. It’s an interesting role reversal, especially given how the season started. Alma was an insecure housewife with low self-esteem and Rita was the cream of the crop, with everything she could want.

Of course, we’re now eight episodes in and things have drastically changed. Alma’s pursuit to get into the elite garden club has turned her into a murderous monster. Not to mention, she managed to frame Rita for Carlo’s murder.

Stuck in the middle of this is Bertram (Nick Frost) who has killed many people but is baffled by Alma’s behavior. I think it’s more to do with the lying than anything else, and I don’t blame him. But this is a very weird husband-wife dynamic and I can’t say that either of them has acted even close to normal.

During this week’s episode of Why Women Kill Season 2 things get darker (yes, even darker) courtesy of Alma, but I’m not sure it’s going to last for much longer. Especially because Dee (B.K. Cannon) is now onto her parents’ strange behavior and the mystery behind Mrs. Yost’s disappearance. More on that below!

Why Women Kill Season 2
Pictured: Allison Tolman as Alma of the Paramount+ series WHY WOMEN KILL Photo Cr: Nicole Wilder/ ©2021 Paramount+, Inc. All Rights Reserved. /

Why Women Kill Season 2, Episode 8 recap: Alma goes off the deep end

The episode kicks off with Alma in all her glory, admiring her garden, which mind you has Mrs. Yost’s body buried within it. But that doesn’t bother the new Alma in the slightest. Her thoughts are interrupted with Grace (Virginia Williams) showing up to reveal that Alma has officially been given Rita’s spot in the garden club.

She’s over the moon at this revelation, and quickly begins planning a little party to have at home with all the garden club ladies. All the while, Dee gets increasingly invested in Mrs. Yost’s whereabouts, which doesn’t bode well for her parents. At this point, Mrs. Yost has been missing for a while and now her nephew has come snooping around to find out what’s going on. Specifically, the authorities are getting involved, which again is going to be horrible for Alma and Bertram if it comes back to them.

MORE: Why Women Kill Season 2, Episode 7 recap: The Woman in Question 

Dee’s attention peaks when she learns from Mrs. Yost’s nephew that things are missing from his aunt’s home. He details the specific items including a French painting, a brass canister, and a vase–all of which are in Dee’s home.

All of this suspicion leads to Dee learning that Mrs. Yost’s body is buried in her mother’s garden. Unfortunately, the body gets dug up by Mrs. Yost’s dog, and it’s enough to throw Dee over the edge. She decides that she needs to get away from her parents and is going to do so by eloping with Vern (Jordane Christie). I don’t think this is going to end well for the Fillcot family, and with Dee now onto her parents, I’d say Alma’s days of lying and committing murder may be coming to an end.

Why Women Kill Season 2
Pictured: Virginia Williams as Grace and Jessica Phillips as Joan of the Paramount+ series WHY WOMEN KILL Photo Cr: Trae Patton ©2021 Paramount+, Inc. All Rights Reserved. /

Why Women Kill Season 2, Episode 8 recap: Rita’s decision

This episode paints Rita in a different light as we flashback to her past. It was quite tragic because her former husband used to hit her and treated her like crap. Isabel (Eileen Galindo) was by her side at the time and was responsible for killing Rita’s husband. She stepped in to save Rita and as a result, Rita has always felt indebted to her.

Fast forward to the present, Rita is sitting in jail as her lawyer has been trying to convince her that she should pin the blame for Carlo’s murder on Isabel. As she contemplates it, Rita realizes how long Isabel has been helping her and saving her, and she simply can’t do that to her cousin.

Unfortunately, her heroic and commendable decision goes to waste because Isabel is found dead. And you get one guess to figure out who might be responsible for that…

Why Women Kill Season 2, Episode 8 recap: Oops, Alma did it again

Rita had asked Vern to take compromising pictures of Catherine (Veronica Falcón) and Scooter (Matthew Daddario) a couple of episodes ago, and now it’s causing more problems than anyone would have imagined. Isabel gets her hands on the picture and notices that Alma is seen lurking in the background of it.

Using this to her advantage and hopefully, Rita’s, Isabel blackmails Alma and Bertram demanding $20,000 in exchange for the picture and the negatives that go along with it. Bertram basically has to empty out their bank account to make this happen, along with borrowing money from a friend. It’s not ideal and definitely puts a bigger strain on his relationship with Alma. Sadly, that wasn’t the worst thing he’d have to deal with.

When they go to give Isabel the money, Alma ends up injecting her with the liquid that Bertram uses to kill the people he’s “helping”. She got it when she dropped by Bertram’s office earlier in the day, and once Bertram realizes that his heart breaks even more at how much his wife has changed.

The path Alma has taken over the course of eight episodes is quite alarming, and after this week’s episode, I dare say she’s going to reach the end of it very soon. Especially considering Vern has the pictures in his possession, and once he realizes Alma is in it, it’s going to get very messy.

Next. All the big stars headed to Apple TV Plus. dark

Alma, how do you feel about jail time?

What did you think of this week’s episode of Why Women Kill Season 2? Share your comments below!