We’re now over halfway through Nine Perfect Strangers, and it seems that many of the relationships have reached a turning point. Frances and Tony, once enemies are opening up to each other more than ever. Carmel and Lars, who you’ll remember had a violent breakfast altercation just a few episodes ago, are reaching an understanding. And Jessica and Ben are reconnecting — in its most literal sense — in the hot tub.
And although this episode was a relatively positive one, all things considered, the last few seconds make it very clear that the chaos is far from over. Let’s break down everything that happened at Zoe’s epic 21st birthday bash.
Nine Perfect Strangers Episode 5 recap: the triangle gets messier
Even though most of the relationships seem to be healing, the one between Masha, Delilah, and Yao is only getting more complicated. In this episode, we discover that a tragedy recently occurred at Tranquillum House — one Masha didn’t realize until now was causing PTSD for her staffers.
She and Delilah have a heart-to-heart of sorts, ending with a kiss and agreeing that Masha won’t sleep with Yao anymore. Masha is skeptical that this is best for all of them, but Delilah is adamant that’s what she needs. That, and the promise that Yao will never know. About what exactly she’s referring to, we’re not sure.
But all is not well in Masha land. There’s still the matter of those threats. This time, she receives one in the form of a picture of a rock and the message, “You’re next.”
Nine Perfect Strangers Episode 5 recap: Carmel bonds with an unexpected source
Carmel’s anger has come out in a variety of ways over the past few episodes. First, there was her fight with Lars, then the dummy last week. This week, it’s Napoleon who sets her off when mentioning the song “Somebody” — her and her ex-husband’s wedding song. The conversation ends with a stab at someone at the table.
This irritation bubbles up again when she sees Jessica and Ben getting cozy in the hot tub, rekindling after a frank conversation about how money has changed them. When storming back from the jacuzzi, she runs into Lars and admits she’s tired of pretending she’s okay all the time, especially when seeing married couples. Lars sympathizes and gives her the advice to dissociate from her ex. She’s a beautiful, passionate woman — the right man will be out there somewhere.
Nine Perfect Strangers Episode 5 recap: Lars talks fatherhood

Napolean’s dream of being a Beatle wasn’t the only one shared over breakfast this week. Lars describes what his subconscious cooked up: him giving birth with everyone gathered around him. It feels somewhat random until he admits to Zoe that he and Ray broke up because Ray wanted children, and he didn’t. He opens up about being bullied throughout childhood and how his dad was humiliated when he came out as gay — so humiliated that he blamed Lars’ mother and left them.
Although he’s making strides with the truth, Lars isn’t completely honest this episode; as we catch a glimpse of him on the cell phone, he stashed in the woods. He tells the person on the other end of the line about the dosing.
Nine Perfect Strangers Episode 5 recap: Frances and Tony grow closer

Dreams are running rampant this week, and Frances has one, too. Except hers takes place face-down in a bowl of oatmeal, exhausted from the drugs. She dreams that Paul, the man who scammed her, comes to visit and apologize with flowers. But despite him saying he loves her, he admits he doesn’t like her writing. He thinks her books are gimmicky without an ounce of truth to them.
Though the dream isn’t real, the words cut Frances deep, and she tells Tony that she can’t write and never has been able to. Tony disagrees, saying he read a snippet of her work, and she’s talented.
Tony reveals a few of his insecurities, too, telling Frances about his addiction to oxy — one he’s managing to shake here, at least. He confesses that he wasn’t there when either of his children was born, the first because he was working and the second because he was high.
Tony somberly admits he doesn’t know if he wants it badly enough and is not sure if he will make it. The vague words scare Frances, and she assures him that she cares for and is worried about him.
Nine Perfect Strangers Episode 5 recap: happy birthday, Zoe

Zoe rings in her big day in an even bigger way — by seeing Zach appear in her bedroom. She’s frightened at first but quickly becomes happy to see him. Or a hallucination of him, at least. He tells her that his death wasn’t her fault but that she should stop telling people they weren’t close since she’s his only legacy. Zoe grows sad, saying she was never lonely before because she had him.
Heather eventually thinks she hears Zach’s voice, too, while on the run. Heather and Napoleon begin to clash, with Napoleon wanting to celebrate this day since it should be a happy occasion, while Heather can’t help but grieve. The two eventually bond by jumping off a cliff and into the water together, laughing and enjoying the adrenaline as a couple.
Later, at Zoe’s birthday dinner, she makes a toast to Zach and the fact that everyone at the retreat has started to feel like her family. Napoleon then sings a traditional birthday song while Zoe looks off into the distance and sees her brother. Masha sees this and excitedly whispers in Zoe’s ear that she’s the key. The key to what? I guess we’ll have to wait to find out.