The season 3 finale of All American left us in utter shock. Coop has been shot as both teams are about to take the field for the state championship. Who is going to come out alive?
Season 4 begins with Layla and Carrie driving. She asked Layla to swing by an overlook before going to her parents. As she is standing at the edge, she tells Layla to take her hand. Carrie tells Layla that she wants to end the pain. We see the flashback end, Layla is in her room sleeping on the floor crying. Her dad rushes in. Did something happen to Carrie?
We see Spencer at the cemetery. He is telling someone’s grave that he was happy, but he feels like he isn’t meant to have it all. Is he talking to his father or Coop?
All American Season 4 premiere: What happened during the state championship?
Spencer flashes back to the state championship game. Beverly is winning by a few points. Crenshaw is on the move. He gets called off the field and told about Coop. He leaves the game.
We go back to Spencer in the cemetery. Olivia joins him. They are still together. He is saying that he doesn’t want to go away to school. He wants to stay with his family after everything that has happened.
Layla’s father sets up a whole breakfast buffet for her. They sit down together and Layla insists that she is fine. She reassures her father that she is working through everything with her therapist.
Spencer walks into his home to Chris, Patience, his mother, Olivia, and Dillon. They want to convince him to go to college. Patience tells him that it is what Coop would say too.
We see a flashback of Spencer running into the hospital. Patience is crying and Spencer holds her. Coop is in bad shape.
Layla goes to the Baker house. She wants to see Olivia. Jordan is being weird in front of Layla and gives her a big hug. She asks if she can hang out even though Olivia isn’t around. She admits to Jordan that she isn’t really okay. She is afraid to tell her dad the truth though.
Jordan tells her to tell him everything. Layla flashes back to the night on the cliff with Carrie. Carrie is trying to convince her that she can end her pain. Layla tells her that she isn’t in pain and needs Carrie to let go of her, but she won’t.

All American Season 4 Premiere: What happened to Coop and Carrie?
Spencer is in his living room with the rest of the group. He is still saying that he doesn’t want to sign the paper. Darnell shows up for a little extra push.
They go to the cafe to talk. We see Spencer back in the hospital. Olivia has joined. We still don’t know how Coop is doing. Spencer gets a text and excuses himself. It was from Preach. Spencer goes to meet him and Patience runs and joins him.
Preach tells him that he shot Mo and that Mo is dead.
Back inside, Patience is blaming herself for what happened. Grace runs around the corner. They see the doctors rushing Coop into surgery.
Layla is in the recording studio and is thinking about Carrie. We go back to that night. Carrie realizes that Layla has hope and lets go of her. Layla runs back to her car. She is knocked out of her flashback when her dad walks in. He spoke to her therapist about adding a family session and this annoyed Layla. She runs off and says that she has to do errands with Jordan.
Billy is in his office and Laura walks in. She asks him why he didn’t go to Spencer’s intervention. He is still mad at Spencer for training Jordan when he wasn’t cleared.
We go back to the State Championship game. The game is close. Crenshaw has one play to win it. They dedicate the last play to Spencer. Crenshaw came up short by inches and Beverly wins.
All American Season 4 premiere: Will Spencer sign his contract?
Both teams come to the hospital after the game. Grace and Coop’s father come through the door. Coop has made it out of surgery. They do not know if she is going to wake up.
Jordan finds Layla at the cafe. Her dad told him her location because he knew that she lied. He tells Layla to be honest with her dad. Layla flashes back again to Carrie on the ledge. She is trying to convince Carrie to come back to the car. Layla gets Carrie to go with her to the care facility.
We go back to Layla’s house. Her father is admitting that he was so scared after what happened. Layla also tells her truth. She tells him that she hasn’t felt stability since her mother died.
Spencer gets a text and rushes to the hospital. Coop is awake, but she doesn’t remember Spencer. Just kidding, she was playing a trick on him.
Layla is going to stay with the Bakers for a little while. Spencer goes to see Billy. He is rewatching the footage from the State Championship. Spencer shows up and says that he still cannot sign his college scholarship papers.
Billy is convinced that they won that game. Spencer begs for forgiveness. Billy tells him the honest truth. Spencer is afraid to leave because he is afraid everyone will be fine without him.
Preach, Patience, and Coop are in the hospital room when an investigator walks in asking questions about the night. Coop lies and says that she shot Mo back. Patience is angry that Coop is covering for him.
Spencer goes back to the cemetery to talk to his father and signs the scholarship papers.
Everything seems to be on the mend, but other pieces still need to be put back together. How will Layla and Coop continue to recover? Leave your thoughts below.
You can catch up on any episodes you missed of All American, including the All American Season 4 premiere, on the CW.