We are halfway through the Disney Plus original series Moon Knight. The story follows the shy, doormat with a heart of gold, Steven Grant who one day is working at a kiosk in the Ancient Egyptian section of a museum and the next is discovering he is also somehow a man named Marc Spector.
All of his love for Ancient Egyptian history could not have prepared him for the onslaught of chaos that somehow connects him to the Egyptian god of the moon Khonshu, the powerful Moon Knight, and the dangerous cult leader Arthur Harrow. Harrow isn’t alone as he’s working for the Egyptian god of divine retribution Ammit.
Most recently, episode 3 titled “The Friendly Type” hinted that there may be a third personality coming through. Throughout the episode both Steven and Marc are confused as to what’s happening, especially in times of extreme violence.
Marc is a capable fighter, that much we’ve seen, but this is almost a level we haven’t before. If you caught it, there were times where Marc’s voice sounded deeper and more threatening.
A third personality may have already revealed itself episodes prior on the Disney Plus series Moon Knight.
By the end of the episode Steven faints and we don’t know who has control. But this isn’t the first time a third personality hasn’t been introduced to the series.
If we go way back to the first episode titled “The Goldish Problem”, Steven arrives to work as he does, taunted by his boss as usual but then something unexpected happens. The attractive tour guide Dylan tells Steven she’s excited for their date at the steak house on Friday night.
Steven is baffled, having no recollection of asking her out on a date. Especially to a steak house when he is in fact vegan.
But he rolls with it, excited for his date which of course doesn’t happen because he somehow awakes several days later. This is a hint to the later revelation that Steven has more than one personality.
By this point the only other personality we’ve met is Marc Spector. So, that had to have been Marc right?
We’re not convinced and here’s our theory why. Marc Spector is married to a woman named Layla.
While he’s asking her for a divorce in order to protect her from Khonshu, it is very obvious he still cares about her deeply. In fact, they both do, and neither of them truly want this divorce.
Marc isn’t a flirt. He’s confident, firm, but remains focused on the task at hand which is holding up his end of the bargain to Khonshu, by stopping Arthur Harrow from finding Ammit’s tomb. Would Marc ask out another woman if he’s still in love with Layla?
Would Marc have time to even date another woman during these dire times? Ever since Steven has been able to take control from Marc, it’s been non-stop chase scenes, battles and situations that even the Egyptian gods can’t handle on their own.
Either Moon Knight has let it slip that a third personality has already shown itself in the first episode or it was Marc which if so, doesn’t speak to the character’s intentions or actions. But what do you think?
Do you think Marc Spector asked Dylan out to the steak house or was that someone else entirely?
What did you think of Moon Knight so far? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
Moon Knight Season 1 Episode 4 airs on April 20, 2022 on Disney Plus.