Season 1 of Moon Knight came to a thrilling and satisfying conclusion, with fans getting an extra dose of action in the form of an incredible end credit scene. By the end of Episode 6 “Gods and Monsters” it seems both Marc and Steven will be sticking around together in Steven’s apartment.
This includes two goldfish! Marc’s time as Moon Knight is over, or is it?
In the finale, Khonshu ordered Marc to kill Arthur Harrow, the human host for Ammit. Marc refuses and asks for the debt to finally be paid.
While Marc didn’t want to kill Harrow that doesn’t mean Jake Lockley felt the same. As Harrow is wheeled from a mental hospital to a limo with Khonshu waiting inside, the Egyptian God reveals he didn’t want Layla to be his next avatar.
How and when was Jake Lockley created by Marc Spector on Moon Knight?
Why would he want her when Marc’s third identity could do the job? From the front seat we see Jake Lockley for the first time, as he raises his gun and kills Harrow.
We’ve had a few theories before about Marc’s third identity. We even believed he appeared in the first episode “The Goldfish Problem” as the identity who asked out Dylan on Steven’s behalf.
If that theory is incorrect, which it could be, then our newest theory about Jake Lockley might be true. The first time both Marc and Steven have no recollection of a massacre at their feet was in Episode 3 “The Friendly Type”.
This occurrence would happen again leaving both men confused as to what happened. From what we can gather, Jake is no stranger to violence and in fact, seems to enjoy it.
If Marc is strong, confident and able to fight but doesn’t enjoy killing people, Steven is self-conscious, shy, intelligent and doesn’t want to hurt people, then Jake seems to be fearless, possibly insane, erratic and loves killing people. But when did Marc create Jake?
It seems Jake is a rather new identity as Steven was created during Marc’s childhood due to his mother’s constant abuse. We think Jake was created in season 1 when Marc found himself incapable of winning a vicious fight.
As deadly as Marc was as a mercenary, and as powerful as he could be as Moon Knight there were still times the bad guys were able to defeat him. But when Marc is merely seconds away from death, he’d black out and awaken to quite the mess consisting of dead bodies.
So, we believe Jake Lockley was created out of desperation for Marc to survive the situation. But what do you think?
What are some of your theories about Jake Lockley? Comment them below!
Moon Knight is available to stream on Disney Plus.