Season 1 of the Netflix animated series Oddballs ended on a very sinister cliffhanger. The beloved turned evil sentient toaster Toasty, was able to return to life and is more than ready to seek world domination.
The son of the main characters James and Max is beginning his future reign at the local bread factory with no one ready for the horror he is about to unleash. But will we actually witness the rise of Emperor Toasty?
So far, the 12-episode show, from the creative and humorous mind of James Rallison AKA: TheOdd1sOut on YouTube, has yet to be renewed or canceled. There has yet to be a video on James’ YouTube Channel addressing the matter.
However, if we are being completely transparent, a season 2 should be in the show’s future. Putting aside the fact that James’ YouTube Channel has over 18 million subscribers with videos also garnering millions of views, the show itself is something television has needed for some time.
Is Oddballs going to be renewed for season 2?
Cartoons are plentiful and most can be enjoyed by adults and kids alike. But Oddballs seems to somehow predict what audiences are expecting and still maintain an element of surprise.
The show doesn’t rely on gross out humor or subtle adult content to get laughs from viewers. We were not expecting James’ to address subjects like the age restrictions on menu items or the consequences that could happen from monitoring the amount of fun kids are allowed to have.
While yes, sometimes the plot goes completely off the rails and might rely on movie references, it’s still able to get the message across in a way we’ve never seen before. For us, we hope Oddballs gets greenlit for a season 2.
As much as we love and miss good Toasty, we’re ready to see if James and Max are able to stop Echo’s dismal food future from happening.
Do you think Oddballs will get renewed for season 2? Would you watch Oddballs season 2?
Let us know what you think in the comments below!
You can watch Oddballs season 1 on Netflix.