Will Netflix’s MerPeople bring home an Emmy? It honestly should!

MerPeople. (R) Eric Ducharme in MerPeople. Cr. Netflix © 2023
MerPeople. (R) Eric Ducharme in MerPeople. Cr. Netflix © 2023 /

The four-episode Netflix docuseries MerPeople invited audiences into the world of mermaids. Whether the episodes followed professional mermaid entertainers, enthusiasts, or business owners, audiences got an in-depth view of the culture that has dominated the world!

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The popularity of mermaiding, which is showing no signs of stopping, is far from looking pretty while posing for photos by a body of water. Mermaiding, even as a hobby, is a serious undertaking as there needs to be specific training and preparation before one could ever put on a silicone mermaid tail.

But if one is up to the arduous task of pursuing their mermaid dreams, regardless of the possibility of failure, it can be rewarding in every sense of the word. This community is one the of strongest I’ve ever seen, full of love, support and camaraderie.

From the land locked mermaid with big dreams; Mermaid Sparkles, to the one breaking boundaries by starting a music career; The Blixunami and others who simply want to take their passions to new heights, or rather depths, MerPeople truly stands out amongst the copious amounts of Netflix docuseries. It is no wonder that this captivating and addictive docuseries has been submitted for an Emmy for Outstanding Documentary or Nonfiction Series.

What is the future of MerPeople?

The ever-growing mermaid community was quick to announce the wonderful news and we are more than pleased to share it! Currently a MerPeople season 2 or follow up docuseries hasn’t been confirmed or denied at this point.

Although we are keeping our fingers crossed for some good news in the near future. We are very curious to know what happens to the mermaids we meet on the show after the credits roll.

We’d love to meet more mermaids and follow their stories as they achieve their dreams and goals. In the meantime, you can enjoy the docuseries on Netflix.

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Do you think MerPeople will win an Emmy? Would you like to see a MerPeople follow-up docuseries?

Share your answers in the comments below!