In season 2 episode 5 of The Lincoln Lawyer titled “Suspicious Minds,” Mickey Haller faces unexpected challenges while defending his client, Lisa. As the story unfolds, he encounters lies and tries to figure out why the prosecutor is acting strangely.
This episode is full of exciting twists and intense moments that will keep you hooked. Mickey’s commitment to Lisa’s case is tested, as he deals with personal and work-related problems.
Let’s explore the exciting world of The Lincoln Lawyer season 2, where justice is at stake.
The Lincoln Lawyer season 2, episode 5 recap
The episode starts with Mickey daydreaming about Lisa while having flan at her place. But his daydream is interrupted when he finds out that the prosecutor, Andy, withdrew the plea deal before the deadline.
Worried that Andy might have found new evidence against Lisa, Mickey decides to investigate further. He asks about Lisa’s ex-husband, Jeff, hoping he can help.
Lisa is hesitant but agrees to ask Jeff’s old co-worker to find him. At the office, Cisco gets a call about Kaz, who is missing.
He promises to tell Kaz the message but feels guilty about lying. Lorna overhears and urges Cisco to stop his shady dealings, saying she’ll do the same.
Mickey discusses his plan to challenge the credibility of a key witness, Margo Schafer, who placed Lisa at the crime scene. He thinks Andy might use her later, so he wants her called to the stand since the detective, who could testify, is on medical leave.
To clear his mind, Mickey goes shopping and learns that Henry released a teaser for his podcast about the Bondurant murder. Mickey is worried that Henry is making money from Lisa’s tragedy, while they still have work to do on the case.
But Lisa explains she needs the money to pay Mickey and believes a fully invested lawyer is crucial for her defense. Cisco tries to find a witness named Alex Grant, but Kaz informs him that a gun shipment is happening that night.
Despite his efforts, Cisco can’t locate Grant, which is a major setback for the case. The next day, Mickey continues his plan to discredit Margo’s testimony with evidence from Lorna.
He succeeds, but Andy calls a new witness, Miss Gates, who presents bloody gardening gloves found in Lisa’s shed. The blood matches Bondurant’s, hurting Lisa’s defense.
After the hearing, Lisa tries to explain, but Mickey is focused on winning the case and struggles to believe her. Hurt, Lisa walks away in anger.
Meanwhile, Lorna confronts Kaz, offering him a passport to leave town and never contact Cisco again. Kaz receives an ambiguous text from Cisco before leaving.
Late at night, Mickey discovers that Henry plans to release a limited series about the Bondurant murder, but the contract for Lisa’s life rights is missing. Mickey gets frustrated and accuses Lorna of neglecting her responsibilities.
While searching his car for the missing document, Mickey is attacked and knocked out by unknown people.
The Lincoln Lawyer season 2, episode 5 review
In season 2 episode 5, Mickey Haller faces a tough and exciting case while defending his client, Lisa. As the episode goes on, Mickey deals with unexpected challenges and twists that keep us hooked.
He tries to figure out why the prosecutor is acting strangely, and it adds to the suspense. Mickey’s dedication to helping Lisa is truly inspiring, but he also faces personal and work-related problems that make his journey tough.
We can feel the tension building as he tries to uncover the truth and protect Lisa’s innocence. The acting performances are amazing, making us feel connected to the characters and their emotions.
The episode shows us how complicated the legal system can be and the impact it has on everyone involved. “Suspicious Minds” leaves us wanting more, as we can’t wait to see how the case unfolds.
Whether you love legal dramas or just enjoy a great story, this episode is a must-watch.
What did you think of The Lincoln Lawyer season 2, episode 5? Let us know your answers and opinions in the comments below!
You can watch The Lincoln Lawyer season 2 only on Netflix!