It has all come down to this. It’s crazy to think we have already reached episode 5 of The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon.
With only one more episode to go to reach the journey’s end of season 1, there is still much left to unfold as Daryl and Laurent continue their voyage to secure the humanity of France. In the previous episode of TWD: Daryl Dixon we saw Isabelle stay behind to secure a safe passageway for Daryl and Laurent.
Genet has the city on lockdown for both the boy and Daryl, but Isabelle devises a plan to get them through safely. By doing so, she has to travel back in time and lean on her manipulation tactics.
But this time, it’s for the greater good. Daryl and Laurent find themselves on their own with a guide to the Nest and as you can imagine, good things never come easy. Fans will see a controversial moment between Daryl’s frustrations and Laurent’s oblivious nature.
It’s not unlike anything we’ve seen before, but I will say if Laurent hasn’t gotten under your skin yet, he will soon.
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon: Will fans see how Daryl Dixon arrived in France?
If you have missed Daryl with his vest, crossbow, and bike, you are in luck! All three will make an appearance in episode 5 and it makes you feel like you are home again.
It’s the simple things that connect us to the mothership of The Walking Dead that will spark some joy in fans. This is Daryl’s last leg of the mission.
He didn’t plan on taking Laurent this far, but he understands how special he is, even if he doesn’t buy into it. He’s still very adamant about getting home and “Deux Amours” is the episode where Daryl’s promise is revealed.
His purpose becoming crystal clear. The most fascinating thing about the fifth installment of TWD: Daryl Dixon is the flashbacks.
For those who have been dying to know how Daryl Dixon arrived in France, get ready. All is going to be revealed.
And with that, all I can tell you is to pay attention to the conversation Daryl has in his flashback. It’s going to shake up the TWD fanbase in a colossal way.
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon season 1 episode 5 “Deux Amours” was written by Jason Richman and David Zabel. Beautifully directed once again by Daniel Percival.
“Daryl and Laurent travel to the Nest as Isabelle considers her options. Genet enacts her plan.”
Here are some images to get you pumped up for the return of the Daryl Dixon we all know and love!

Here are our non-spoiler reactions to “Deux Amours”:
1. This kid really is a strange old soul.
2. That man cannot stand sheltered children.
3. The question we all want to know!
4. Now that’s the Daryl we missed!
5. You should have turned back around then!
6. Well this seems like a shifty operation…
7. Photographs always take his mind to one thing.
8. But what do they want them for…? Nothing good I’m guessing.
9. Stop worrying about how hard it will be and worry about what the man wants!
10. This man is a bad@#$ anywhere he goes.
11. Show off!
12. He should have taken Daryl’s advice to heart…
13. If I never hear him saying Daryl’s name again it’ll be too soon…
14. The prophecy is getting old and redundant.
15. The names we’ve been dying to hear from day one!
16. The life of a Parisian…now those are some views to wake up to!
17. Did she ever want you in the first place though?
18. He’s only going to buy that for so long girl…I thought lying was your forte.
19. Suck it up kid!
20. That’s some craftiness one Queen would be proud of. It’s time.
21. Laurent knows who comes first for Daryl!
22. A larger cause is not more important than your heart.
23. That man is not into causes, stop pushing him!
24. Kiss of death!?
25. Homesick Daryl is heartbreaking.
26. The moment we’ve been dying for!!
27. Something isn’t right…
28. The Promise!
29. Did I just hear what I think I heard!?
30. Now why are you being pissy after what you’ve done?
31. Did that little s$%^ just…?
32. Daryl’s language is savage this season!
33. You tell him!
34. Daryl saying what we all are thinking.
35. He’s had enormous growth from season 1.
36. You’re not Judith buddy.
37. If there’s one thing Daryl’s gonna do it’s fight for the innocent.
38. It really is the symbolism of the heart for me.
39. Who hasn’t saved him at this point?
40. They clean up mighty nicely.
41. We’ve got your back!
42. Oh this showdown is going to be wild.
43. Jealousy knows no bounds.
44. Men really are idiots.
45. Would you just shut up for once, being right isn’t going to help you here!
46. American what?
47. You better give that back!
48. Well, that puts a whole new spin on walker bait.
49. Straight up Hunger Games vibes.
50. Genius move baby…don’t mess with Dixon!
51. Okay Snow, that’s enough out of you.
52. What kind of Roman style punishment is this?
53. Carol would be so proud!
54. What in the Hannibal Lecter on steroids?
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon season 1 episode 5 premieres this Sunday, October 8 at 9PM ET on AMC and 3AM ET on AMC Plus!
What trouble will Daryl and Laurent find themselves in? What of Isabelle?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!