In 2022, Disney Plus, hot on the heels of the wildly successful and new show The Mandalorian, released Andor, a prequel and backstory of Cassian Andor from 2016's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Starring Diego Luna as main character Cassian, the show revealed to audiences who he was before his involvement with the Resistance against The Empire.
With season 2 premiering in just a few months on April 22, 2025, we wanted to take a look at five reasons why we are incredibly excited to see the show returning. We have so many questions and there is so much anticipation. In no particular order, let's take a look!
Dedra and Syril's relationship

Perhaps not the first thing many would think of when it comes to the gravity of Andor but if there is one thing that really captivated us about the show, it was the characters. Frankly, all of them, which includes the workplace equivalents of Dwight and Angela from The Office.
It is due to both Syril and Dedra that Cassian's life becomes complicated. First Syril makes it his personal mission to uncover the murders of two corporate security guards in the opening episode.
Although he is advised against it and further advised not to engage Cassian, he does so, fails, and loses his job. However, it is due to this that he is able to meet Dedra who, equal to Syril, places the Galactic Empire above all else.
She too becomes undermined and goes to extreme lengths. Although Syril and Dedra have little communication in the show, it is evident that Syril sees her as more than a superior or like-minded individual. He is enamored by her and by the end of season 1, Syril saves her. The moment, as intense and terrifying as it becomes for Dedra, might bring her closer to him.
For two people who seemed most alone in the galaxy with nothing but their duties and loyalties to the Empire, they may have found something more. Although we don't expect a romance to blossom as most do, we are waiting to see what becomes of them in season 2.
Mon Mothma's growing role in The Rebel Alliance

When many think of strong, powerful, inspirational women in Star Wars, Princess Leia, Padmé Amidala, Bo-Katan Kryze, and Ahsoka are just a few names that come to mind. But it's high time Mon Mothma makes the list for all of her contributions that might as well have been the very foundation of The Rebel Alliance.
Smart, quick-witted, reliant, and unyielding Mon Mothma has literally placed everything in her life on the line for a higher and better purpose. By placing herself in the literal lion's den, she's been able to work behind the scenes in bringing down the Galactic Empire from the inside and hitting them where it hurts the most.
Her involvement does bring Cassian into the fray through Luthen, but this is just one case of someone joining a cause that is worth everything. Although Cassian agrees to join for the sake of money, it's not long before he sees the bigger picture after he is captured and amongst others under the Galactic Empire's thumb.
Cassian's involvement will only grow from here and we're curious if he will meet Mon Mothma herself in season 2.
Cassian's continued search for his sister Kerri

The catalyst for the long list of events that change Cassian's life on the show all stems from his unending search for his sister Kerri. Cassian's backstory of how he was living amongst other children and teens on Kenari and rescued by Clem, Maarva, and B2EMO leaves us and himself wondering what became of his sister.
Unfortunately when he was found, his sister was still at the village with the children whilst the teens followed the trail to a crashed ship. When their teen leader is killed by one of the surviving men aboard, Cassian stays behind and in his rage begins to wreck the ship.
Since then, he's been searching but to no avail. Although we were a little frustrated that his mission to find Kerri seemed to have fallen by the wayside (or was completely forgotten by the writers), we'd like to think season 2 will get back on track.
Maybe Cassian will find a lead. Maybe he's able to reunite with her. Or maybe, she's no longer living. All the same, we want to see how Cassian's search for his sister concludes, for better or worse.
The effects of the Aldhani heist

A huge chunk of season 1 focuses on Cassian's evasion and capture of the Galactic Empire. Ever since he killed the two corporate security guards (in self-defense I might add), he's been trying to keep a low profile and find a way to leave his planet Ferrix before he's caught.
Although he does escape, he becomes the face of opposition which results in his later capture. But before his imprisonment, he's able to aid in a Resistance mission to steal a whole lot of money from the Empire that would then go back to the people.
This Aldhani heist, organized by Luthen, becomes the first true piece of evidence that a rebellion is brewing. While a whole team has been preparing for this heist, down to every move, and even having someone on the inside, like all missions of this nature, casualties are bound to happen.
The heist is a success, and it sets the galaxy ablaze in rumors and conversation. The problem is Mon Mothma was not aware of Luthen's intentions and considering they are working together, communication is key.
The question is how effective was this heist? Has it inspired others to join the cause? Or will it bring about more pain and subjugation from the Galactic Empire?
The continuation of an underrated but fantastic Star Wars show

Last but not least, let's be honest, we need another Star Wars show to get behind and enjoy from beginning to end. What other Star Wars show has been able to stand, toe to toe, with The Mandalorian?
The most recent Star Wars: Skeleton Crew was very well done, allowing the more common, more adult Star Wars content to take a backseat so that this story could grip all audiences, including kids. But even with Jude Law's performance, and a tale that was the perfect mixture of something genuinely Star Wars and genuinely different, what has come close to the level of The Mandalorian?
Truthfully, Andor. Andor was darker, and gritter, but was surrounded in Star Wars realism. The show reminded audiences why the Galactic Empire was so terrifying and powerful. The show reminded audiences how important and risky it was to be anything but what the Empire wanted. It's why The Rebel Alliance became such a pivotal pillar.
It's why the show does not rely on nor use humor in any way. It's why the performances are more profound and tell a story we really haven't seen in Star Wars.
There were no catchy gimmicks, no cute sidekicks, or plot fillers. Considering Star Wars has been in a rough patch with all of its survival resting on 2026 The Mandalorian & Grogu film (and trust me I cannot wait to see it), we need a true Star Wars show that tells a compelling story with interesting and well-written characters that sticks to the already-established lore. We're hoping Andor season 2 will fit that bill.
Andor season 2 premieres April 22, 2025 on Disney Plus.