American Primeval episode 4 ends with the Mormons learning the US Army is about to attack thanks to a traitor in the US Army's ranks. We know Wild Bill and Brigham Young will not let that happen, and it sets up a major showdown between the Mormons and the US Army in American Primeval episode 5.
In addition, Devin (Preston Mota) just broke his leg after getting it stomped on by a horse. Isaac (Taylor Kitsch), Sara (Betty Gilpin), and Two Moons (Shawnee Pourier) take shelter in a convenient cabin while Devin heals.
Overall, American Primeval episode 5 is the shortest episode of the season. You'll notice this recap is notably shorter, as well, compared to the other American Primeval recaps. While there are some major events, the penultimate episode moves the many pieces around for clashes in the finale.
The Mormons attack Captain Dellinger and the US Army forces
In the first scene of American Primeval, Wild Bill (Alex Breaux) whips Captain Wolsey (Joe Tippett) for his carelessness while reading Captain Dellinger's letter to Washington requesting backup.
That night, the Mormon Militia led by Wild Bill and Wolsey attacks the US Army camp under the cover of darkness. The US Army is not prepared for the attack, and they are wiped out quickly. Wolsey kills Captain Dellinger as the camp burns.
Dellinger's second-in-command, who sold the letter to Wild Bill, watches as the Mormons kill the whole legion. After he comes and collects his gold, Wild Bill shoots him in the head. The traitor didn't survive either, it seems.
Brigham Young tries to arrest Jim Bridger
At Fort Bridger, Brigham Young (Kim Coates) makes Jim Bridger (Shea Whigham) another offer to the fort. As Dellinger points out in his letter to Washington, Fort Bridger is one of the last things stopping Brigham Young from taking Utah completely. Without Fort Bridger, the other pioneers would have a hard time making the journey, especially with bands of militia wiping them out along the way.
The following day, after the US Army forces have been wiped out, Brigham Young and his men try to arrest Bridger for providing arms to the Natives. Bridger's men circle Brigham Young and Mormons and threaten to kill them if they don't leave. Finally, Brigham stands down and leaves the fort, but Bridger knows it's far from over.
Isaac cauterizes Devin's infected broken leg

With Devin fading due to the infection of his broken leg, Two Moons instructs Isaac to cauterize the infection, which will allow Devin to keep his leg and also stop the infection from killing him.
Luckily, it works! Devin survives! His fever breaks, and he has a fighting chance to make it to California. The issue is that Virgil (Jai Courtney) and his men are nearby, following them closely.
While Isaac shares more about his past, his romantic relationship, and how he also lost his family, Two Moons shares that there are wolves nearby, as well, tracking them. Isaac ventures out to look at the wolves, and he has a flashback to when his family was murdered.
Finally, we understand Isaac's motivation, or lack thereof at times. He's still searching for redemption for the decisions he made that ended with his family getting killed.
That night, Sara leaves the cabin to check on the horses. Virgil and his men ambush them and shoot up the cabin while Virgil flees. Isaac goes wild and kills all of Virgil's men, but Virgil and the others already have a headstart with Sara.
Abish returns to the Shoshone
After leaving the US Army camp, Abish returns to the Shoshone. She warns Winter Bird (Irene Bedard) about the Mormons.
Later, Red Feather (Derek Hinkey), Abish, and the Wolf Clan return to the US Army camp. They see that the Mormons wiped them out, and Abish knows that the Mormons are trying to find her. They'll come for the Shoshone next, she says, and Red Feather believes her.
So, that's where things stand heading into the finale: Sara has been kidnapped by Virgil while Brigham Young and the Mormons are still planning to take Fort Bridger and attack the Shoshone.
We'll see how it all ends in the American Primeval finale!