Cobra Kai season 6, episode 14 recap: Strike Last

Cobra Kai takes on the Iron Dragons in Cobra Kai season 6, episode 14.
Cobra Kai. (L to R) William Zabka as Johnny Lawrence, Ralph Macchio as Daniel LaRusso in Cobra Kai. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2025
Cobra Kai. (L to R) William Zabka as Johnny Lawrence, Ralph Macchio as Daniel LaRusso in Cobra Kai. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2025

With the big reveal at the end of the previous episode that Johnny Lawrence had taken over Cobra Kai again, it’s time for the Sekai Taikai finals. Here’s a look at the events of Cobra Kai season 6, episode 14.

Caution: This post contains SPOILERS for Cobra Kai season 6, episode 14.

Tory and Miguel take on Zara and Axel in the Sekai Taikai finals. Of course, that means we need to see some iconic training montages that the Karate Kid movies always brought. It also means a chance for different senseis to attempt to get in the heads of others.

Daniel has a surprise for Johnny in Cobra Kai season 6, episode 14

The episode opens with Daniel and Johnny on their way to train Miguel and Tory. However, they’re not going to Miyagi-Do. Daniel has a surprise for Johnny.

He was able to talk the landlord down to a reasonable rent for the original Cobra Kai training space. They can get it cleaned up and started over again. There’s a perfect heart to heart between the two rivals-turned-friends. Now it’s time for Johnny to make Cobra Kai what it should be.

Johnny and Miguel have a beautiful moment, as Johnny shares that Miguel can’t go into the fight looking for revenge. That’s what Johnny did at the 1984 All Valley. This is the first time Johnny admits that he should have won, but Daniel deserved it. Johnny was running on revenge, while Daniel was honoring everything he learned, despite only spending six weeks training. Miguel promises to honor everything he has learned.

Meanwhile, Sam continues to train with Tory. Daniel and Amanda offer Tory a ride home, but she is waiting for Johnny and Robby. She does take this chance to thank the LaRussos for everything they have done over the years. We’re reminded of just how much Tory has been through with the LaRusso family and with Miyagi-Do overall.

Cobra Kai. Rayna Vallandingham as Zara in Cobra Kai. Cr. Curtis Bonds Baker/Netflix © 2025

Tory faces Zara at the Sekai Taikai

The first fight is between Tory and Zara. At first, it looks like Zara is going to win. Tory can’t get a shot in, and she loses her confidence and builds up her anger. Robby is the one able to talk some sense into her, and it’s not with some big speech. It’s with “I love you.” Aww!

After they kiss in front of everyone, Robby also reminds Tory that “Cobra Kai never dies.” With that, she goes back into the fight with a renewed balance and focus. Yes, she takes out Zarah, even knocking Zara’s teeth out. I guess she won’t be a social media darling anymore.

Tory is now the female champion at the Sekai Taikai. It’s time for the boys to fight. It initially looks like Miguel is going to be thrown off by something he finds in Sam’s jacket. She has her acceptance letter to Okinawa in there. I do have to question her taking the acceptance letter with her, but the show doesn’t go the way many others would. Instead, Miguel tells her that he wants to hear all about it after he wins.

Cobra Kai. (L to R) Patrick Luwis as Axel, Thomas Ian Griffith as Terry Silver, Rayna Vallandingham as Zara, Lewis Tan as Sensei Wolf in Cobra Kai. Cr. Curtis Bonds Baker/Netflix © 2024

Wolf orders Axel to target Miguel’s spine in Cobra Kai

Sensei Wolf has certainly done his research into Miguel. In the first fight, Miguel is able to get points on the board. Axel comes back in the second fight, and it leads to Miguel feeling like he is failing Johnny.

Johnny reminds Miguel that life is full of ups and downs. Now he needs to put all his training into the fight on the mat. That’s exactly what Miguel does. However, as Wolf expects, Miguel leaves himself open for the roundhouse when he pivots. Wolf wants Axel to target Miguel’s spine, making it clear that it can be broken again. Axel refuses to do that. He is a better fighter and a more honorable man than that.

We get a series of flashbacks to fights from the series. We see Miguel fighting against Robby and Hawk, and we see him training with Johnny. There’s also a reminder of when Miguel figured out how to walk again.

As Miguel wins, Wolf tells Axel that he is ashamed to be his sensei. Axel counters back, sharing he is ashamed to be Wolf’s student.

It’s not over, though. While there are individual champions, the overall champion between the dojos has ended in a tie. This is the first time it’s happened in the Sekai Taikai, but there is a protocol. The senseis will fight to prove which one has the best dojo.

It’s Johnny against Wolf in the series finale. Naturally, Silver tries to get into Johnny’s head by threatening his family. Will it work?

Kreese steps in once more in Cobra Kai

Well, Silver attempts to cheat again. He clearly doesn’t have faith in Wolf. He doesn’t want to leave anything to chance. So, he sends one of his men to attack Johnny’s family with the promise that the yacht will be his when Silver dies.

Kreese isn’t going to let that happen, though. He knows what Silver will do, and he continues to earn his redemption. Kreese and Silver fight, ending with a spilled gasoline tank and Kreese’s iconic cigar being thrown to cause the entire yacht to explode. "No mercy," Kreese says as Silver watches in horror at the cigar flying through the air.

Is there any chance that Silver and Kreese survived? It doesn’t look like it, but “Cobra Kai never dies!”

Cobra Kai is available to stream on Netflix.