Johnny Lawrence has a chance to reclaim victory on the All Valley mat in the Cobra Kai series finale. Does he manage it, and how does the series come to an end?
Caution: This post contains SPOILERS for Cobra Kai season 6, episode 15.
The series finale is here. One of the great things about Cobra Kai being saved by Netflix is that it had a chance to end the way it was always supposed to. While Karate Kid fans wanted to find a way for Miyagi-Do to end up on top and Daneil continue to win, this series was never titled “Miyagi-Do.” It has always been titled “Cobra Kai.”
The series always had to end with Johnn Lawrence and Cobra Kai. That’s the way it did despite all the ups and downs over the last six seasons. The ending did not disappoint.
Daniel points out why the “flashy kick” worked in Cobra Kai season 6, episode 15
The episode initially opens with a flashback to Johnny before the series began. He’s been fired from another job and he goes to speak to his mom’s grave. He just wanted to be a winner again, and now he gets a chance to do that.
Johnny goes to train with Daniel and Chozen, but it’s clear that Wolf is in Johnny’s head. Johnny thinks that a tornado kick is the way to win. However, Daniel points out that Johnny leaves himself open. Says the guy who won All Valley with a “flashy kick.” Well, Daniel is quick to point out that the only reason the iconic crane kick worked was because Johnny ran straight into it. It’s a fair point.
After Daniel manages to talk Johnny out of his head with a reminder that Rocky didn’t win in the first Rocky movie, it’s time for the training montage that we needed to see. This includes the practice of the crane kick on the wooden beams.

A calm before the storm in the Cobra Kai series finale
After this, it’s time for Daniel and Johnny’s family to join for dinner. Johnny is fast asleep on the couch, so the focus is on the teens. Miguel has got into Stanford, while Sam is definitely going to Okinawa. This is the reminder for Daniel’s mom to give Sam a gift.
It’s a string of pearls that happened to belong to Mr. Miyagi. Daniel’s mom tells the story of how the pearls were given to Mr. Miyagi by his dad. Instead of selling them as his dad gave them for, Miyagi gave them to his wife. She died in one of the internment camps during World War II, and a guard stole the necklace.
It all goes back to that newspaper clipping Daniel, Amanda, and Chozen found. The attack on the guard wasn’t Mr. Miyagi fighting to steal something that didn’t belong to him. He stole his property back, and finally, we right the wrong of making it look like Miyagi wasn’t the guy we always knew him as.
While at the fight, Yasmine returns. She has forgiven Demetri (who is heading to Cal Tech and not MIT now) and suggests that they go somewhere to makeup. How can Demetri say no to that?
Johnny Lawrence has a chance to reclaim victory
Johnny heads back to the mat where it all began. It’s even with the MC of the All Valley taking the mic back! This is the moment we have been waiting for. Johnny and Wolf face off against each other.
Wolf gets into Johnny’s head at first. He makes it clear that Johnny is going to be surrounded by people who watch him lose, including his daughter. She may be a baby right now, but she’ll grow up knowing her dad is a loser. Can Johnny keep that out of his head when on the mat?
The rules will follow the traditional rules of the All Valley championship. It’s the first to three points. Wolf has just the Iron Dragons around him, unsure of where Silver is. I guess he didn’t hear about the yacht exploding, but it does sound like Silver is done. Can I just say that I want to see more of Lewis Tan in this type of role?
Meanwhile, Johnny comes out with his senseis with him. Daniel and Chozen step out wearing a black gi. As Amanda says how she likes it, I’m sure many Karate Kid fans had a bit of a shiver down their spine. We have to remember that this Cobra Kai is Johnny’s Cobra Kai.
Johnny struggles to get his head in the game. Chozen points out that he is afraid, and it doesn’t help that Wolf is throwing some illegal hits. With the second hit to the face, Johnny is bleeding and that means a time out is called. Johnny is focused on the negatives, and Daniel needs to find a way to get Johnny’s head back in the game. The initial “do your best” statement doesn’t help, so Daniel finds another way.
Chozen points out that Daniel knows how Johnny’s mind works. Miyagi-Do won’t work, so what will? Daniel calls a time out and channels his inner-Johnny. Who would have thought he had it? It did sound odd hearing Daniel use the word “p***y.”
Honestly, having Daniel channel his inner-Johnny certainly put a smile on Johnny’s face, and I can’t tell whether that was supposed to be Johnny or if William Zabka accidentally broke character. Whatever happened, the pep talk worked. Johnny was able to make a comeback, catching up even with the knee to the kidney. Johnny does manage to get a point with a flashy tornado kick, though.
In the end, though, Johnny listens to Daniel’s earlier advice. He doesn’t run into a kick or into Wolf’s trap. He holds back and waits for Wolf to come to him. A sweep on the floor and then a hit to the face allows Johnny to win the Sekai Taikai.
“You’re alright Lawrence” as Daniel holds up the trophy with Johnny is that throwback to Johnny saying it to

Cobra Kai ending explained: Where does everyone end up?
With Johnny’s victory, we need to find out where everyone ends up, and we get the classic Karate Kid montage for that. Robby and Tory get contracts from a marketing company to gain a career. Who needs college? Miguel gets ready to go to UCLA with him and Sam exchanging gifts, while Hawk and Demetri are off to Cal Tech. Chozen heads to Korea to join Kim. It’s time for him to give into his love. Johnny has bought a house, and it’s time to move his family in there.
After the montage, we see Johnny head to his mom’s grave. He leaves flowers and a photo with Carmen and the family. Laura would be proud of the man her son has become.
Daniel and Amanda see Sam off at the airport. It’s a time for Sam and Daniel to have a heart-to-heart as Daniel shares his love for his daughter. It’s a touching moment considering how Daniel hadn’t even initially looked at Sam being interested in karate.
Miguel surprises Sam at the boarding gate. He’s decided not to go to the Stanford summer program. He got a ticket to Okinawa, allowing the two of them to explore together.
With the success at the Sekai Taikai, all kids want to join Cobra Kai. Stingray is there to share that he’s going to run a beginner training class at the weekend at a second location. Nothing has changed with him, though.
For those who did get a spot at Cobra Kai with Johnny, we learn the type of fighting style he will follow. He will follow the offensive style, but he also shares that following everything is bad. He wants to make sure everyone learns the defensive way of fighting. Cobra Kai students will also learn Miyagi-Do, showing just how far Johnny and Daniel have come.
Of course, the series has to end with Johnny and Daniel having dinner. We get the flashback to the fly with the chopsticks, and just as it looks like Daniel will catch the fly, Johnny comes in and claps his hands to catch the fly.
There’s only one way for the series to end, and that’s another teaching moment for Johnny in life. Taxes!
I am here for the film idea: an alternate 1985 All Valley. Spin-off, maybe?
Cobra Kai is available to stream in full on Netflix.