With episode 1 of Good American Family ending on a cliffhanger, I'm so happy that Hulu decided to drop the first two episodes on premiere day because I need to know what happens next! Episode 2, "Jump the Jitters Out," once again starts off in 2019, with a surprising revelation, then goes back and picks up right after that bedroom scene from episode 1. Here's our review of the second episode. SPOILERS BELOW.

As mentioned above, it's 2019 at the top of the episode, but we're not with Kristine. At least not yet. A detective goes to visit Michael but there's some major changes in his life. He's now remarried to a woman named Jennifer. What!? And he really does not have nice things to say about Kristine.
Oh my goodness. I mean, we can assume Kristine's doubts about Natalia will probably contribute to the couple's separation. But all this hatred towards her? Wow. And while he calls Kristine a liar and the devil, he also reveals that his ex-wife and Natalia are not on speaking terms. It's like World War III - his words - if the two come together. Ok. Perhaps this indicates that he thinks Kristine put ideas about Natalia in his head, and he's mad at her for it now?
Back to the bedroom scene where Kristine had just seen Natalia standing there with a knife. She's freaked out, as one would be. Though she can't find an explanation as to what happened. And the knife is where it's supposed to be in the drawer. You know, I'm surprised at how quickly these revelations are coming and how quickly the story is moving along. But, that's not a complaint. I think the pacing is on point so far.

Things start to get stranger in Good American Family episode 2 when Kristine tries to call First Path Adoptions for Natalia's vaccination records for school, but finds that it's closed. Kristine and Natalia also continue to have a pretty rough time together are not connecting. There's things that don't add up like why her vaccine records are redacted in the first place, the paperwork came from New Jersey not South Carolina where Natalia was living, and then the woman who helped the Barnetts calls Kristine back. But it's anything but friendly.
She warns her that Natalia is one of the lucky ones, not to ask any more questions or she could be implicated, and to not call her back again. It turns out First Path is a trafficking front and work to steal money from people wanting to adopt. Some even had to give their children back, which is heartbreaking. Kristine is learning all of this but doesn't tell Michael. She also doesn't tell him Natalia had trouble at school and they're suspending, but not suspending, her.
So what's interesting is that the Jennifer who works with Michael is his future wife. I wonder how that relationship ends up happening especially with the fact that Michael gets the news that instead of a promotion, their store is closing. Ouch. What a real smack to the face. Especially with him working so hard to make it better, and it's obvious the team is close. He's also keeping this from Kristine. That scene with him putting his angry music on in the car is so relatable though!

Finally, the episode ends on another great cliffhanger. Kristine finds the knife and ripped of head of Ethan's cow underneath Natalia's bed. She goes to confront her, walking in on her in the bathroom by accident, and notices she has hair. You know, down there. That's when she tells Michael, "I don't think she's a little girl." And, end! I can't believe we have to wait a whole week before we see what happens next.
Good American Family episode 2 was another great episode. Like I mentioned above, the plot is moving rather quickly. But not in a jarring way. Even though there's lots of facts to cover. But, the series does only have 8 episodes to tell a story that takes place over a nine-year span.
What stood out to me in the final moments of the episode is Kristine's mom. She doubts her daughter, tells her she's exaggerating, and seems to kind of be against her and that's how their relationship is. While Kristine is great with her boys, in particular Jason, she seems to have a harder time connecting with Natalia. Now it could be because of the claim that she's an adult, maybe Natalia just doesn't like her, or it could be that underlying tension of her treating her daughter the way her mother treats her.
She could be doing it subconsciously. And maybe that's why Michael has been able to connect with her better. I don't know. Just a thought. But anyway, another stellar installment! Episode grade level: B.
Good American Family releases new episodes Wednesdays on Hulu.