It's great to have Mo back on our screens, even if the comedy-drama only lasted for two seasons. The titular character's infectious energy rubs off on you and makes for an interesting watch where you're invested in the character. The series has come to an end with the final eight episodes on Netflix, and here's what we thought about Mo season 2 overall. SPOILERS BELOW.

First thing's first. Yes, we do think Mo season 2 is definitely worth your time to watch! It's a really well done show that not only represents the Palestinian and Arab culture, but other groups as well. It's such a nice blend of cultures that educates, but entertains with the comedic aspect of the show at the same time. The series is timely not only with the fact that Mo is Palestinian, but also American politics as he is arrested by ICE after crossing the border into Mexico and then trying to get back into Texas. Those were some of the moments that were truly eye-opening.
Even though the episodes are only around 30 minutes long, a lot definitely happens and the story moves along quite nicely. I did think some plot points like the senator's wife hitting on Mo and having a weird kink or whatever weren't really needed. There could have been another way for Mo to have to be forced to cross the river and try to go to the border through the coyotes. It is what it is. There's also Dallas' sister which made for some very funny moments with Hameed, his character is hilarious. But that storyline was kind of rushed. But, it doesn't take away from the story overall.
There's many scenes that drop so many references about different cultures where even if you're not familiar with one, you get what's a bias, or what's supposed to be "right or wrong" from the quick-witted comments of the characters, and the way the scenes are written. That's definitely kudos to lead actor Mo Amer and his writing team.

This show is loosely based on Amer's real-life experiences, and he and his family really did immigrate from Kuwait to the U.S. So this was a personal project for Amer, and it really shows. Though of course I'm sure his character Mo Najjar experienced much more dramatic events for the sake of the story. The fact he was deported, then Maria saving his butt at the last minute seems pretty Hollywood. But I'll go with it. Because it leads to a really heartwarming finale that's one of my favorites of any series.
Finally after almost two decades, Mo is able to fulfill his, and his family's, dream of going to Palestine. They get to see their homeland, their family, and the last episode is quite informative and educational as well. But it's not so in your face where the information is overwhelming. You could feel the emotion coming off the characters that makes us as viewers emotional too. The pacing, the emotion, and of course the humor all came together for a wonderful end to the story. Even if it is bittersweet.
But like Yusra, and Mo learns by the end, you've got to keep smiling. Because it's true. There's always going to be circumstances, whether that's people or just life, that will be hardships in your way. So the series truly leaves you with a wonderful message.

Mo on Netflix as a series overall definitely needs to be on your watch-list , and season 2 was even better than the first. I really enjoyed going on this journey with the Najjars, they're such heartwarming characters. Also a shoutout to Omar Elba as Mo's brother, Sameer. His portrayal of an Autistic adult is very real and should be praised. The comedy-drama may have remained open-ended in some aspects, but the true full-circle moment and goal for the Najjar family from the start was to be able to go to Palestine. And they were able to do so! That's what counts.
Even though Netflix has announced this is the final season, Amer seems to have more ideas, per Variety. Who knows. Maybe he'll come back with a season 3. But that's going to be up to Netflix. For me personally, I think there's more story to tell and would agree with the actor. We'll see! But at least there's these two great seasons that are a definite watch! Series grade level: A.
Both seasons of Mo are now streaming on Netflix.