After four seasons, Succession, sadly, came to a close in 2023. The critically acclaimed HBO show was created by Jesse Armstrong and features a stellar cast of talented actors. Following the very powerful, wealthy, and dysfunctional Roy family, the series revolves around the patriarch Logan's (Brian Cox) decision on who will run their company after him. Throughout the seasons, his eldest son Kendall (Jeremy Strong) fights for the spot, along with his father's love, while trying to navigate his very complicated relationship with his siblings Shiv (Sarah Snook), Roman (Kieran Culkin), and Connor (Alan Ruck).
Succession does a great job blending drama and comedy, and though many of the plot points might not be that relatable for most viewers, the character development and family conflicts are what keep audiences connected. You might not root for any of the characters, but at the end of the day, you always want to see what they're going to do next. Succession is one of my favorite shows and I already miss it deeply, though it ended on a high note. The show's ending is fantastic, adding to the overall legacy it'll leave on pop culture.
The series is nominated for a long list of Emmy Awards, taking place on Monday, Jan. 15, 2024. Ahead of the show, let's look back at the five best episodes of Succession to rewatch to feel all of the feels.
5. Season 2, Episode 10: "This Is Not for Tears"
Most of the episodes on this list are finales, understandably, because Succession just knew how to end a season! Coming in at number 5 is the season 2 finale, titled "This Is Not for Tears." The episode was written by Jesse Armstrong and directed by Mark Mylod, and it wraps up the scapegoat plot point amid the Roy family's big cruise scandal.
Some of the most memorable moments of this episode are Greg's testimony, which is an absolute disaster (and so hilarious), Tom and Shiv's growing tension, and Logan telling Kendall that he doesn't see him as a "killer." The episode ends with Kendall's press conference, in which he reveals he was chosen to take the fall but won't let that happen. He outs Logan for the scandal, shocking the rest of the family.
Kendall and Logan's relationship is one of the biggest parts of Succession, and this episode is a major turn that changes things forever.
4. Season 3, Episode 9: "All the Bells Say"
Skipping ahead to the season 3 finale, the episode "All the Bells Say" is another major moment for the Roys, not necessarily between Kendall and Logan, but between the siblings and everyone else. Though Kendall, Shiv, and Roman rarely see eye to eye, they do come together for rare moments when they realize their dad is pretty much against all three of them, and this episode is one of those times.
This episode was also written by Armstrong and directed by Mylod.
The season 3 finale is all about the pending GoJo deal, taking place in Tuscany, Italy while the family attends the siblings' mom Caroline's grand wedding. The episode is, as many of them are, an anxious game of back and forth, which leads Kendall to break down and tell Shiv and Roman about his involvement in the waiter's death after Shiv's wedding.
The siblings figure out a way they might be able to fight against Logan's decision to merge with GoJo, however, that plan doesn't work because Tom tells Logan about it. It's the ultimate betrayal from Tom, one that Shiv will never forget.