Rick and Michonne are on their way home but alas, their rather romantic trip comes to an abrupt halt thanks to some unsavory survivors and one enemy who refuses to let them go. In The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live season 1 episode 5, Rick and Michonne must decide whether to let this CRM threat live or die and how it can affect everyone they love back home.
Couples retreat

The episode begins with Rick and Michonne enjoying their road trip back home, as a catchy song plays in the background. Their travels remain mostly smooth as they drive across open roads and find good food with little to no walker interference.
Things change slightly when they make a pit stop at a gift shop and find the keys to a cabin nearby. As the two converse about RJ, how toothpaste brought them together, and how Michonne's name is never on any popular tourist gift shop item, they decide to make their way to the cabin.
But first, they save three people from becoming walker chow. The walker is covered in stone, making it a little more difficult to kill, but they manage fine.
After saving the trio and offering them food, the two men ignoring the advice of their female companion, threaten Rick and Michonne. Our power couple easily subdues them, takes the food back, and moves on to the cabin.
They have a romantic evening, complete with Rick gifting Michonne a necklace he snapped the name off of, leaving her initial M and they go to bed. But their romantic night is interrupted the next morning by the arrival of Jadis, who had followed them (somehow...it's a little hard to believe their trail of breadcrumbs was that obvious) to this exact location.
Thankfully Rick and Michonne easily avoid getting killed. Michonne wounds Jadis before fleeing the scene and a car crash ensues.
Rick and Michonne cause Jadis to crash her car, but she escapes on foot and of course, finds the troublesome trio from earlier.
Father Gabriel and Jadis

Speaking of Jadis, the episode heavily involves her and her supposed past secret meetings with Father Gabriel. In fact, Father Gabriel is the first person we see killing a walker before the opening credits roll.
For those who don't remember, Jadis who went by Anne, had a brief relationship with Father Gabriel before she fled and saved Rick's life on The Walking Dead. She meets with Father Gabriel once a year, where she withholds any information about Rick and avoids telling him about the CRM, while also refusing to come back.
I'm assuming this is before The Commonwealth got involved as Father Gabriel mentions their people are starving. (It's been very hard to figure out when all of this takes place).
While Father Gabriel tries to convince Jadis that she is a good person (which let's be honest here, if he knew what she did or was about to do in The Walking Dead: World Beyond, she's obviously not), she denies it repeatedly and their conversation remains the same every year.
It gets to the point where Jadis almost kills Father Gabriel but doesn't and she never returns for their meetings again (so because she spared Father Gabriel and saved Rick, she's not all bad and can be saved?).
Change of plans

Somehow Jadis is able to convince the trio to aid her in stopping Rick and Michonne. Not surprisingly, her plan fails and all three die within seconds by walkers.
Now it's Jadis, who is dying from her wounds against Rick and Michonne. Although Rick tries to help remind Jadis of who she was, hoping she'll see sense and that the CRM is a worthless cause, she refuses.
Rick and Michonne trick Jadis into agreeing that Michonne will leave, and Rick will return to the CRM in order to protect their loved ones at Alexandria. In the end, Jadis finally gets her comeuppance as she gets attacked by walkers.
But as she's dying from the blood loss and walker infection, she gives Rick the ring Father Gabriel had made and given her during their last meeting. Apparently, Rick never officially married Michonne and was going to if it weren't for the events at the bridge.
Jadis reveals where her file with all of the information about Alexandria is back at the base and asks that they save the CRM. Michonne, the only real voice of reason this episode and season overall, promises Jadis that they will end the CRM.
Rick kills Jadis (good riddance) and finally proposes to Michonne.
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live season 1 episode 5 review
Let's be clear, Jadis was never redeemable, just as The Governor and Alpha from The Whisperers weren't. It's clear the show wants to remind audiences that people like Rick and Father Gabriel still exist.
They are the ones who want to give people second chances and refuse to give up on that crusade. Although Rick probably did not have access to Jadis' track record of being a horrifically cruel and unredeemable person, it was pretty obvious she was never going to listen.
The CRM is her entire personality and being, there is nothing left of Anne. Knowing she is finally gone (justice for Huck has been served), was so relieving as the last real threat, as of now anyway, is the CRM itself.
Even if Rick and Michonne aren't successful in stopping the CRM secret base, they will hopefully gain access to all of their future plans and can then move from there. Let's not forget we have France's version on The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon to deal with as well.
But will everything wrap up in the season finale? We'll have to wait one more week to find out!
What did you think of The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live season 1, episode 5? Let us know in the comments below!
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live season 1 episode 6 airs on March 31 on AMC.