Believe us when we say that you're not ready for what's to come in the upcoming episodes of Big Brother season 26!
Between the many fights that have been bubbling under the surface and the many betrayals that were always going to take place but have been dormant for the sake of peace in the house, it seems that straws have broken many camels' backs and no one is holding back anymore. What's more, with powers finally being revealed, emotions are at an all-time high since some houseguests feel slighted because the people in power were their greatest ally.
Naturally, all this drama didn't happen over night, which is why we wanted to give you three important facts that you should know before you watch tonight's episode of Big Brother!
How the peace in the Big Brother house came undone
Although it takes way more than three mistakes to create turmoil within the house, we certainly think these three isolated events have a lot to do with why everything went down the way it did.
First up, Quinn Martin telling Kimo Apaka (and just about everyone else) that he has the power.
Quinn Martin couldn't keep his secret power a secret

An unspoken rule in the game of Big Brother is that if you ever come across power in the game, never tell a single soul. Despite being a superfan, Quinn didn't abide by this important truth. Instead, he used his confession of having power as a way to gain the trust of his fellow houseguests.
Of course, not everyone can keep a secret and, eventually, word got out that Quinn has a game-changing power. Not only did this have the opposite effect and made people not trust Quinn but now people genuinely see him as a threat or, even worse, a potential enemy.
The same two nominees kept going on the block, but never got sent home

After Lisa Weintraub's blindside, the house seemed to be in one accord, agreeing that their next target should be either Angela Murray or Kenney Kelly. But, as fans would agree, seeing the same people on the eviction block gets old pretty fast.
To shake things up, one particular houseguest saw Cedric Hodges' Head of Household (HOH) as the perfect opportunity to flush, at the very least, one of the two overpowered power-ups out of the game for good. This idea was very strategic and would shake up the house, forcing people to get out of their comfort zones. But if only the person who thought of it executed it better.
Tucker Des Lauriers became too comfortable with being a pawn

When Chelsie Braham asked Tucker to be her pawn for the week, it was to ensure that Lisa Weintraub and Angela Weintraub couldn't have an opportunity to pull themselves off the block. But when Cedric Hodges needed a pawn, it was solely because he couldn't think of a third nominee to put on the block without getting too much blood on his hands.
Knowing that Cedric was trying to take the coward's way out, Tucker tried to persuade Cedric to put Makensy Manbeck on the block since she (and Quinn) held power. Tucker's pleas fell on deaf ears. Instead, Cedric chose to put Tucker up as the pawn.
With Tucker being a pawn again, he's been shifted into this weird role where people see value in him to fight for them, but not enough value to fight for him. And if at any point the house deems you disposable, it's easy to see why someone like Tucker became bitter.
See how these three important facts created this very moment between Tucker and Kimo, a moment that set off a chain of catastrophic events.
CBS has released a sneak peek at tonight's episode in which Kimo is showing spilling the beans to Tucker about Quinn's power. #bb26
— Sharon Tharp (@sharontharp) August 7, 2024
We don't want to give too much away regarding tonight's episode. All we can say is that you better hold on to your seats because this is going to be a WILD ride!
Don't forget to catch a brand-new episode of Big Brother tonight, Aug. 7, at 8:00 p.m. ET on CBS!