Silo showrunner gives reassuring update about the show's final seasons

If you were worried about not seeing much of Juliette in Silo season 3, there's some good news. Graham Yost has shared a few details about the way the series has been adapted.
Silo season 2
Silo season 2

If you’ve read Hugh Howey’s Wool series of books, you’ll know that the second book doesn’t feature much of Juliette. What about Silo season 3? Does that mean we won’t have our leading lady?

Without too many spoilers, Juliette doesn’t appear in the second book until the last few chapters. It’s something Graham Yost mentioned when speaking to TVLine about the adaptation of the series. After all, fans are worried that they won’t see much of Rebecca Ferguson.

The second book takes us into two timelines. We get to see more of Silo 18, and we delve into the past, looking at how the silo system was created. It’s clear that there is something much bigger going on based on what we know of Silos 17 and 18 so far, but who is in charge and why did this all happen? What happened to the world?

Juliette will be part of Silo season 3

Yost had some good news for fans. Juliette will be a part of the third season, and not just the tail end of it. The show isn’t doing a direct adaptation of the books, and to be honest, that’s been clear with the second season. A lot of the storylines from the second season in Silo 18 have been from the second book. We’re already delving into the mess that was left when Juliette refused to clean and walked over that hill.

The second half of Wool, the first book in the trilogy, is focused on Juliette surviving in Silo 17, which has also been shown throughout the second season.

Yost has made it clear that Juliette is a big part of the third season, hinting that we could be getting some of the third book Dust adapted in the third season. With so much going on in the novel, it would make sense to spread the story across the final two seasons.

A look at the past in Silo season 3?

Yost also noted that the second book dives into the past, looking at the creation of the Silo Project. This would suggest that the third season will delve into this as well.

Yost has said that there is a “big surprise” at the end of the final episode. I’ll say without spoilers that this is a fair statement, and it certainly hints at the storylines to come in the final two seasons of the series. I’m so glad Silo has been renewed, but that there’s also an endpoint. A show like this needs an ending, and not just to fizzle out.

Silo is available to stream on Apple TV+.