Last week's episode of Surface season 2, episode 5, "Daybreak," saw the truth about Tess/Sophie's origins come to light to the Huntley family. Especially Quinn and Eliza. So how does this move the story forward? What comes next? We find out in this week's installment. Here's our review of episode 6, "Atonement," on Apple TV+. SPOILERS BELOW.

It turns out Tess had no idea that she basically took another young girl's identity, remembering that it was a priest who did so. I think it's interesting that after everything they've been through, Tess is leaning on James and confiding in him. She also wants him there for support after learning the truth of who her father is. So much so that the two actually end up spending the night together. What!?!?
But seriously, James? You literally just slept with Grace as well. And of course he isn't able to tell her the truth. That is going to cost him, sleeping with the fiancee of a man who's a part of one the most powerful families. And that cliffhanger with those men taking James proves that. I'm sure Tess is going to make him pay for deceiving her, and taking all the money from her safe, as well. Though she should have been more careful hiding the passcodes, honestly. Quinn still isn't the best person, but it has been established now that he doesn't approve of his father and grandfather's methods. But is that about to change with James' kidnapping?
Speaking of Henry Huntley, why do characters like this always react the same way? Like Tess says, all she wants is maybe a relationship or to form some sort of connection. But of course these people try to buy their way out of everything. There would be less of a headache if they just listened instead of sending lawyers and trying to throw money to fix their problems. Also, is it really true that her mother died in a car accident. Or did someone cause that accident? Hmm.

Though I will say that Tess saying she's mad at Eliza for getting everything she never did. I mean, I understand her anger at the situation. But it's not Eliza's fault what happened. It's a reminder to us that we do empathize with Tess/Sophie as the central character. But she's not always the best morally if that makes sense. As for Eliza, she's just continuing to walk around moping and sad. I'm sorry but there has literally not been anything more to this character in the past six episodes. And I'm getting tired of seeing it.
Surface season 2 episode 6 was fine overall. My favorite scenes are between Sophie/Tess and James. The two actors have such good chemistry together, even when they're deceiving each other. Talk about a complicated relationship! I also think Tess trying to get answers from Henry and that part of it all continuing to unfold is great. As for Quinn and Eliza, I honestly could care less. They just add a bit of melodrama to the story. I do hope Callum does what Tess says and reveals the Huntleys' secrets about Henry having a daughter. We'll see what happens next week. Episode grade level: B.
Surface season 2 releases new episodes Fridays on Apple TV+.