The penultimate episode of Sweet Magnolias season 4 on Netflix left us with a major cliffhanger! And that's the question of whether Maddie and her family are moving to New York following a really great job offer. With us now on the season 4 finale, do we get those answers as to whether she'll accept and move from the tight-knit Serenity to the Big Apple? Let's get into the recap! SPOILERS BELOW.

The Serenity community
Alright, lets take this one step at a time as we recap where all the major storylines and characters end up in Sweet Magnolias season 4 episode 10, "Do Not Be Afraid." As we saw in the last episode, it seems like the mayor's office is now stable enough for Helen to leave. And while she and Peggy were interviewing candidates for the Town Manager position, they think Henrietta would be best. And she's honored. Everything with the library is good now too, and the community continues to rebuild with teamwork.
Helen, Dana Sue, and Maddie also officially purchase a van for Dr. Howie and Noreen from the foundation for their mobile clinic, which really is a great idea. Of course this wouldn't be Sweet Mags without everything falling into place so easily for the characters. But we're going to go with it. Paula's boyfriend Jimmy tells Ronnie that his son is interested in ecotourism and would be interested in investing in Ronnie's motorcycle road tours business idea. And as Dana Sue says, perhaps everyone's dreams are set to come true.

Maddie is taking the job in New York
Maddie is unsure if she should take the job offer in New York. It's a huge change and she has her family and kids to think about, as well as besties Dana Sue and Helen are here in Serenity. When she's thinking of just turning it down, Cal, Paula, Kyle, and Katie put together a cute little presentation explaining the reasons she should go. And that does convince her a bit more. But she's still not there 100%.
When Maddie breaks the news to her fellow magnolias, of course they're sad at the fact she'd be far away. But they're also very supportive, which is what true friends do. When Maddie isn't happy with the proposed deal from the publishing company, Helen helps her counter the offer to show her worth. By the end of the episode, the company has accepted Maddie's counter offer and she looks convinced on going. What's still unknown at this point is whether Cal and the kids are moving with her. Hmm, interesting.

Where do the relationships stand?
Let's talk about the love lives of the characters! As mentioned above, Dana Sue and Ronnie are going strong and both of their dreams, as well as Annie's are coming true. Maddie and Cal are as adorable as ever, and it seems like he's finally feeling worthy of being a stepfather. The kids even surprise him and Maddie with a stocking for Christmas that reads, "Dad." We'll get to Helen in a moment.
Noreen and Bex are moving in with her boyfriend. At the Christmas party, Katie and Maddie give Bex her holiday gift from Bill that he had ready before he passed. It's a charm bracelet, just like Katie's So all the boys have pocket knives while the girls have charm bracelets. There's also Michael who officially asks Isaac out and the two kiss.
Lily and Kyle are all good, but there's trouble in paradise for Ty and Annie. Even though it's taken four seasons to finally get them together, I had a feeling it wouldn't all stay happy for long. Even if Ty was gone for multiple episodes. Annie gets into her dream school and even if it's more expensive than planned, Dana Sue and Ronnie are very supportive and so happy for her. And we are too! She's so excited and it's so sweet to see.
The one person who isn't as excited would be Ty. Back from his tour, he and Annie reunite and he's back with his family right before Christmas. When Annie first tells him the news about school, you can see he's a bit disappointed but tells her he's proud of her. His band has gotten the opportunity to tour and open for another band they met on the road in Europe. This is going to be during the summer, and into the fall. When college semesters begin.
Later at the Christmas party, Ty suggest something that is very out of line to Annie. He wants her to skip going to school so that she can follow him around and help him chase his dreams of becoming a successful musician. Ok, Ty. Your Townsend is showing, buddy. Annie tells him he's waited all these years to tell her how he feels. If he thinks they can't handle a long-distance relationship for a year, then what are they even doing. They're pretty much the one couple who ends on a bad note in the final moments of the finale.

Helen and Erik are engaged!
Though the episode still ends on a nice note, and that's thanks to the amazing news we've all been waiting for. We saved the best for last to talk about. Helen and Erik are engaged! It might be too fast since they just got together. But, honestly. These two have been skirting around each other since the very first season. It's about time. And when you know you've found the right person, sometimes it doesn't matter how fast things might seem like they're moving.
The proposal was so sweet and Erik set up where Helen's mom was in town, and she was in on the surprise. Of course Helen has to tell her besties, and Maddie and Dana Sue's reactions are so genuine and heartwarming. Obviously they're going to be ecstatic! These friends are so supportive of each other and will stick together no matter what. Helen deserves all the happiness, and hopefully Netflix renews the series for a season 5 so we can see her and Erik's wedding. Fingers crossed!
Sweet Magnolias season 4 is now streaming on Netflix.