The Night Agent season 2 episode 2 recap: Peter learns what Warren knows

In "Disconnected," Peter and Rose locate Warren to get answers, while Noor begins her double agent mission to help her family.

The Night Agent. Gabriel Basso as Peter Sutherland in episode 202 of The Night Agent
The Night Agent. Gabriel Basso as Peter Sutherland in episode 202 of The Night Agent | Cr. Christopher Saunders/Netflix © 2024

This post contains spoilers from The Night Agent season 2 episode 2 from this point forward.

The Night Agent loves a good flashback sequence to open an episode, and episode 2 opens with one from nine months before present day. Peter steps out of a helicopter and meets Catherine in Thailand after processing in Germany, which includes getting his tattoos removed (sorry to fans of Peter's tattoos!).

His and Alice's mission in Thailand involves investigating who's behind a leak in the CIA station in Bangkok and their intentions for doing so. Catherine questions Peter's ability to succeed in Night Action and gives him the opportunity to quit before going into the field. Peter being Peter, he doesn't back down from a challenge.

In the flashback, we watch Peter meet Alice, and it's honestly heartbreaking to see her again knowing what her fate is during this mission. Brittany Snow excels in this role and makes you wish Alice was able to stick around for the full season and work with Peter longer. (Savor this scene because spoiler alert, it's the last time we see Alice.)

The Night Agent. Brittany Snow as Alice in episode 202 of The Night Agent. Cr. Siviroon Srisuwan/Netflix © 2024
The Night Agent. Brittany Snow as Alice in episode 202 of The Night Agent | Cr. Siviroon Srisuwan/Netflix © 2024

Peter and Rose don't have time to catch up before running for their lives to evade Solomon and the rest of the baddies that had been chasing him down in Bangkok. After taking one of them down, they rush off in a ride share car to Peter's van and make their way to safety in his apartment.

Obviously, Peter wants to know how Rose found him. She assures him that no one else knows where he is amid all her online sleuthing and tracking. He explains his situation, about the mission that went bad, Alice getting killed, the man who was shooting at them showing up in Bangkok, not knowing if there's a mole in Night Action. You know, the basics.

The Night Agent. Luciane Buchanan as Rose Larkin in episode 202 of The Night Agent. Cr. Christopher Saunders/Netflix © 2024
The Night Agent. Luciane Buchanan as Rose Larkin in episode 202 of The Night Agent | Cr. Christopher Saunders/Netflix © 2024

The first mention of Foxglove gets Warren killed

Rose uses her AdVerse technology to track down Warren. They get an inconclusive result but also get a hit on Peter's live feed of his old townhouse. They rush to Ethan's basketball game, where they find Ethan's beaten up stepfather in the locker room but no Warren. Peter admits his real identity and reveals Warren's looking to skip the country with Ethan.

Ethan's mom locates a potential "meet-up point" that Warren might be escaping from, which takes Peter and Rose to Long Island. But Catherine shows up at the scene at Ethan's basketball game and discovers she's close to finding Peter. Meanwhile, Rose saves Ethan as Peter fights Warren and loads him into the back of his van.

The Night Agent. Gabriel Basso as Peter Sutherland in episode 202 of The Night Agent. Cr. Christopher Saunders/Netflix © 2024
The Night Agent. Gabriel Basso as Peter Sutherland in episode 202 of The Night Agent | Cr. Christopher Saunders/Netflix © 2024

Rose takes Ethan home in a taxi and intends to say goodbye to Peter and return home to California. Peter instructs her to take a bus in Chinatown and fly out of Boston for extra safety. They part with a hug and Peter returns to the matter at hand: Finding out what Warren knows so he can contact the president for help about the possible mole.

Peter sets Warren up in the sketchy warehouse to interrogate him and get his confession recorded. Warren explains that he was selling to a man named "Arthur," though he questions both the validity of the name and if he's the actual buyer. Peter mentions Night Action, which Warren knowns nothing about. He was selling intel on a covert military program called Foxglove. In that moment, a gunshot from afar kills Warren.

Quick on his feet, Peter rushes away from the line of fire but sneaks back to answer Warren's phone. Rose arrives at her bus stop, and she's being watched by Solomon, the man that was chasing them down in episode 1. Even by taking the extra precautions that Peter gave her, the enemy was still able to find her, and that's not good. Run, Rose, run!

The Night Agent. Arienne Mandi as Noor in episode 207 of The Night Agent. Cr. Christopher Saunders/Netflix © 2024
The Night Agent. Arienne Mandi as Noor in episode 207 of The Night Agent | Cr. Christopher Saunders/Netflix © 2024

Who is Noor in The Night Agent season 2?

After Peter and Rose's awkward and action-packed reunion, we meet Noor Taheri (Arienne Mandi), an aide at the Iranian Mission for the UN in New York City. Noor's friend Haleh teases her about Javad (Keon Alexander), the Iranian mission's head of security, and potentially starting up a romance with him. Interesting, interesting.

Outside of work, Noor uncovers her hair, wears sunglasses, and follows a man to a nondescript basement. She hands him a copy of the mission's files about Iran's drone program, but he says it's worthless. Here's the deal: She's working as a mole for the CIA in the Iranian mission in order to grant her family asylum. The stakes are high, but she keeps the CIA man on the hook with a possible American intelligence leak.

With a new goal in mind, Noor attempts to sneak around the mission and find proof of the leak. She covertly enters the ambassador's office in search of information, but she rushes to look like she's cleaning up when Javad finds her in the office. They make a connection of being from the same city, and he offers to walk her home to the residence. Noor might have found the stepping stone she needs.

Oddly enough, the information Noor gave the CIA man about the American intelligence leak for the Iranians makes its way back to Catherine. The FBI believe the leak could be related to the active case with Warren and want to bring Night Action in. Noor could be the asset they're developing to find out about the leak.

Watch The Night Agent only on Netflix.