The Night Agent season 2 episode 3 recap: Noor makes her next move

In "Government Property," Peter and Rose follow a lead on a dangerous suspect, while Noor continues with her plot to give intel to the CIA.
The Night Agent. Luciane Buchanan as Rose Larkin in episode 203 of The Night Agent
The Night Agent. Luciane Buchanan as Rose Larkin in episode 203 of The Night Agent | Cr. Christopher Saunders/Netflix © 2024

This post contains spoilers from The Night Agent season 2 episode 3 from this point forward.

The Night Agent season 2 episode 3 opens with a flashback to Rose's AdVerse job interview seven months ago, which reveals she doesn't want to be a CEO; she just wants to write code. It's some insight into her headspace after the events of season 1. In present day, the past juxtaposes her current whereabouts in the mix of Peter's mission.

Still at the warehouse, Peter answers the phone call and Jacob Monroe offers him a lose-lose deal to give him the information Warren shared. This deal puts both his and Rose's lives on the line. Peter rejects Jacob's blackmail and calls Rose to help her evade Solomon and the rest of the enemies chasing her down. He also has his own enemies to run from.

Rose hits a dead end and runs into Solomon, but she's able to stab him and run away. For a second, it seems as though she has been captured by one of the enemies, but Catherine pulls her into a dark alley and out of danger. She sets up security detail to escort Rose home the next day, but first, they have to meet up with Peter so Catherine can have a chat with him.

The Night Agent. Amanda Warren as Catherine in episode 203 of The Night Agent. Cr. Christopher Saunders/Netflix © 2024
The Night Agent. Amanda Warren as Catherine in episode 203 of The Night Agent | Cr. Christopher Saunders/Netflix © 2024

Peter and Rose identify Solomon Vega

When Catherine and Peter come face to face, it's understandably tense. Peter accuses Catherine of somehow being involved in the leak that caused Bangkok to go bad, but she's insistent that she had nothing to do with it. Initially, Peter intends to keep going it alone, and Catherine says she's pulling him out. But Rose intervenes and brings them to an agreement about working together to find Jacob Monroe.

Rose uses AdVerse to find Solomon's real identity, and after they find it, she's shut out of AdVerse and receives an angry call from her boss. Peter and Rose pay Solomon's sister Celeste a visit. She tells them that that her brother, a former Marine, died by suicide (obviously not). They don't get much information, but Peter swiped a piece of her mail.

In spite of Catherine's offer of protection to return to California, she decides to stay and help Peter. Catherine clears the air about Bangkok with Peter, insisting that she found no leaks in Night Action. Unfortunately, Peter has to drop his inquest into what led to Alice's death for now and focus on the mission at hand. In return, Peter tells Catherine about Foxglove and plays her the recording of Warren's explanation.

While Peter and Rose recover from their busy night, Noor continues to pursue a date with Javad. She acquires an air tag tracking device, which she secretly places in Abbas' jacket and uses to spy on Abbas and Javad. Oddly enough, Noor spots Solomon walking into the same place with a briefcase. She snaps photos from across the street. Noor tries to use the photos and info on her CIA guy, but he's not biting.

The Night Agent. Gabriel Basso as Peter Sutherland in episode 203 of The Night Agent. Cr. Christopher Saunders/Netflix © 2024
The Night Agent. Gabriel Basso as Peter Sutherland in episode 203 of The Night Agent | Cr. Christopher Saunders/Netflix © 2024

New players enter the mission

Noor removes the tracking device from Abbas' jacket and speaks privately with Javad on a walk. During their "date," Javad seems to grow suspicious of Noor for some reason and asks about her whereabouts. But she skillfully fibs about where she had been while running errands. Javad touches her face, and it's pretty awkward. Does she really like him or is she just using him?

Catherine receives the images of Abbas, the Iranian ambassador, which were taken earlier by Noor. She also gets the photos of Solomon Vega meeting the ambassador, first with a briefcase and then without. Now with this new intel from Noor, Night Action's taking over her case. Welcome to the big leagues, Noor!

In episode 3, we also meet Tomás and his wife Sloane. Tomás has drinks with a man named Elliot, who turns down his offer to work together. Elliot pushes Tomás to be his "own man." Since this is the first time we're seeing them or ever hearing about them, we're surely not supposed to know what any of this means, though it could be important later.

At the end of the episode, a truck hauling weapons is stopped by masked men and the drivers are tied up. When one of the men asks their leader, Markus, what to do, the mention of his name forces him to kill the two truck drivers. Markus makes a phone call to his cousin Tomás, who we met earlier. Well, now we know his connection to the story.

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