The Night Agent season 2 episode 5 recap: A tragic death tests Peter's morals

In "A Family Matter," the extraction of Noor's mother and brother goes wrong, leading Peter to make a morally questionable decision.
The Night Agent. (L to R) Gabriel Basso as Peter Sutherland, Arienne Mandi as Noor, Luciane Buchanan as Rose Larkin in episode 205 of The Night Agent
The Night Agent. (L to R) Gabriel Basso as Peter Sutherland, Arienne Mandi as Noor, Luciane Buchanan as Rose Larkin in episode 205 of The Night Agent | Cr. Christopher Saunders/Netflix © 2024

This post contains spoilers from The Night Agent season 2 episode 5 from this point forward.

We're at the halfway point of the season, and everything's starting to come into focus. In the previous episode, Peter learned the truth about Foxglove and what's at stake with all the moving parts currently in play. That includes getting intel from Noor that she won't hand over until she knows they will make good on their word about her family.

The Night Agent season 2 episode 5 opens with a flashback to five years ago as Catherine visits Delta Force operator Sami in jail. He's in a real mess, and she recruits him to join Night Action. In present day, the team uses Sami to extract Noor's mother and brother from Iran, and let's just say that doesn't go according to plan.

The Night Agent. (L to R) Arienne Mandi as Noor, Gabriel Basso as Peter Sutherland, Marwan Kenzari as Sami Saidi
The Night Agent. (L to R) Arienne Mandi as Noor, Gabriel Basso as Peter Sutherland, Marwan Kenzari as Sami Saidi in episode 205 of The Night Agent | Cr. Christopher Saunders/Netflix © 2024

Everyone's searching for answers

Rose pushes back at Peter about the situation with Noor's family, since Catherine had proposed burning her if she didn't give them the photos. Peter agrees to find another option. Catherine brings in Sami to extract Noor's family in 24 hours and he agrees to the plan. Rose also gets good news from her boss that the code she rewrote for AdVerse has landed her a promotion.

After Peter's caterer heist at the ambassador's party, the Iranian mission is left scrambling trying to figure out who he is. Javad seems to be keeping an eye on Noor, and Haleh's starting to get suspicious about what her friend could be up to. Solomon and Jacob, too, are trying to find information on Peter, but their source has nothing. Jacob remembers "Night Action" from Alice's comms in Bangkok. They're getting closer.

Javad asks to speak with Haleh and asks if she recognizes a certain caterer: Peter. She doesn't remember him from the party. Javad then asks about her encounter with Rose. Haleh lies that the phone, which was Noor's, was hers. He confiscates it, but he knows that it's not the same phone. Finally, she admits that it was Noor's phone. She can't cover for her anymore. Javad breaks into Noor's room and pokes around.

The Night Agent. (L to R) Amanda Warren as Catherine, Marwan Kenzari as Sami Saidi, Gabriel Basso as Peter Sutherland
The Night Agent. (L to R) Amanda Warren as Catherine, Marwan Kenzari as Sami Saidi, Gabriel Basso as Peter Sutherland in episode 205 of The Night Agent | Cr. Christopher Saunders/Netflix © 2024

The extraction results in a tragic death

Peter, Rose, and Noor meet with Catherine to wait for Sami to complete the extraction. All they can do is wait. Sami arrives at Noor's home in Iran. Noor's mother, Azita, knows what's happening and is ready to go, but Noor's brother, Farhad, wasn't told the plan beforehand. He doesn't trust Sami and refuses to leave with him.

Sami calls Peter to explain the situation. Farhad speaks with Noor, but he still doesn't want to leave their home. Someone knocks on the door, and while Azita attempts to diffuse the situation, Farhad alerts the neighbor that there's a stranger in their home. Azita says Sami's her nephew. But the neighbor doesn't believe them. Peter tries to talk reason into Farhad to prevent a dangerous situation getting worse.

He seems a bit more receptive and agrees to go with Sami. The neighbor returns with backup and weapons, but Sami fights them off and threatens them with a gun while Azita and Farhad get in the car. On the way to the plane, Farhad wants to get out, but the car's stopped by police. When Sami's forced to step out of the car, he acts quick and shoots the police. Farhad steps out of the car and grabs the dead cop's gun and shoots at Sami. He deflects the shot and returns his own, killing Farhad.

Sami forces a heartbroken Azita into the car and completes the extraction. Everything has gone wrong, and Sami calls Peter to share the news about what happened once they're on the plane. Peter doesn't face anyone else while he's taking the call and only responds with "okay" and "right" and other nondescript reactions. He pulls himself together before turning around and announcing that Noor's family is safe. It's a hard choice, but in the moment, he had to lie.

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