Yellowstone season 5 episode 11 recap: Three Fifty-Three

Jamie Dutton attempts to steal his father’s job on the pinnacle of his own expiration date
Rip Wheeler
Rip Wheeler | Paramount Network

Johh Dutton’s children are still reeling from the aftermath of losing their father in such an abrupt way. As the minutes tick, it feels like hours to those who remain alive to grieve such a miraculous loss. 3:53, it’s only numbers but a day that will go down in infamy as the most tragic Dutton death within the Yellowstone universe.

In episode 10, Kayce Dutton began his investigation into his father’s death. Beth meanwhile, visited Jamie to stare into the eyes of the monster with her own. All her suspicions that Jamie was behind her father’s demise were on point. The cowardice in him could not look at Beth which further proved her fear. And though Beth was not surprised by the notion there was still a speckle of disbelief. Even through all their animosity towards each other, they were still family. When she looked at Sarah Atwood in the eyes it was all the evidence she needed to know what this Temu Bonnie and Clyde had been up to. 

At the Barfield Hotel, Rip gets ready to leave his wife. Beth insists on driving her husband but even Rip knows she would complain the whole way. It’s already taking a toll on Beth. He tells her next time to let her know when she’s coming and to not make it a surprise. That way he can plan his time a little better. Beth on the other hand is not sure she can keep this up for a whole year. She would love to send Lloyd to Rip’s place.

The unpacking begins at Kayce and Monica’s house. Life goes on whether you want it to or not. They spend a whole minute trying to adjust a picture on the wall. Unsure that was necessary but nice to see them being a happy family again.

With Thanksgiving coming around Monica blesses their food, their home, the animals, and the land. Tate remains the sarcastic teenager and gets a flick to the face for it by Kayce. It’s great to see a silver lining for their family but Tate telling them to stop kissing or get a room is becoming tedious. He’s been around his parents all his life, none of these things should come as a shock.

How did John Dutton really die?

A flashback of John being wrestled down by three masked men on his bed is witnessed, of course before death. They choked him out and carried him off the bed and into the bathroom. He was given a shot of something between his toes and had the gun placed in his hand. In a count of three, they shot him in the head to make it appear like he took his own life. It was only mere seconds later dispatch was called after hearing that fatal shot.

Back in the past before John’s death, Beth immediately knew something was wrong and called Rip to see if everything was okay. Call it a daughter’s intuition if you will. Though I’m not sure when Beth became psychic. I hate the sequence of jumping back and forth between timelines. I think Sheridan could have written this out so much better for fans and started from the past to the present, rather than immediately killing John and jumping around like a pinball machine.

Lynette remains clueless about John’s death or Jamie’s part in it. She tells Jamie to let him grieve and let yourself forgive him. Once again, for someone once romantically involved with John, she should know better than believing he would commit suicide. Jamie is already taking steps to cozy up with the interim governor. Lynette warns him to be careful what he undoes.

Jamie once stood against eminent domain and now he seems for it. The only way to save a portion of the ranch is to sacrifice it. Jamie is trying to avoid taxes. While he may trying to be playing the long game I think he overcompensates for what the state can afford. In the end, Lynette ends up defending John. A little too late if you ask me. He knows his siblings will never sell and if the state wants the land they will have to take it. His political strategies are ruthless.

The investigation into John's death is back open

Kayce comes to pay the coroner a visit wanting to see the autopsy report and the body. They did not run a toxicology report. Kayce questions it but he doesn’t have the authority. So he called the detective assigned to the case and he confirmed to have John Dutton re-examined.

They believe the cause of death is quite clear but Kayce will not let up. He goes to watch the examination be performed. As they pull the body of his father on the table he can only watch in horror and heartbreak.

The eldest Dutton questions what the coroner would look for if they were looking for a homicide. They are still convinced there are no signs of struggle to warrant that. Kayce shows them just how easy it is to take someone down without a struggle. It becomes apparent he hit his neck and forehead on the way down to the floor.

Finally, the doctor notices abrasions on his toes from when he was dragged on the floor. It’s not so cut and dry now. He has indentations along his spine from pressure against the skin and on his calves. Eventually, the examiner admits there are signs he was restrained. She decides to list his death as undetermined. There isn’t enough to rule it a homicide but there is reason for doubt now to open the investigation back up.

The detective in charge of John’s case shows Kayce the pistol they used to murder him. It was his service pistol he gave Kayce that was kept at the Livestock office. Luckily there are cameras there that Kayce allows him access to. He wants him to make a statement but it will send them running for cover. They may never find out who did it, but they will find out who paid for it.

Brothers reunited

Kayce breaks into Jamie’s office and tackles him to the desk. He tells him not to listen to Beth and maintains his innocence. He looks him in the eyes, telling him he had nothing to do with his father’s death. Jamie claims he doesn’t have anyone but he still fights for the Yellowstone. He claims they will have to sell off portions to save the whole thing. Kayce isn’t sure if he believes Jamie but he hopes in his heart he didn’t do this.

The police chief changes the case from suicide to undetermined. There is the possibility of a homicide. They have now asked the ATF and the FBI to aid in the investigation because of the high-profile nature of the case. And soon Sarah Atwood is sick to her stomach to see that Helena PD believes his death is a homicide.

The new governor feels like they are complicit by undoing everything John Dutton did on the eve of the homicide announcement. The structure of the government lives on. He revoked a legal contract when he ended the lease. The governor now has overrode that choice. He also orders the attorney general to recuse himself from the matter of condemnations as well as any investigation or prosecution of Governor Dutton.

Even Beth knows they will have to start selling off. It’s what John left them with. It’s what Jamie has been saying all along but he never went about it the right way.

Yellowstone season 5 episode 11 ending explained

Beth thinks there is no preserving this place. There is prolonging its collapse. Now they have a front-row seat to its destruction. Beth knows she can’t do anything about it. They can sell off animals and land but it’s still delaying the inevitable.

Sarah Atwood is beginning to unravel. She must contact the team she hired and find out what their next moves must be. The number on the card she was given is no longer in service. No surprise. The hitmen must be unraveling too. The walls are crashing in on them.

Jamie appears in her kitchen like a ghost. He’s angry about being embarrassed in the assembly. Jamie knows once Sarah is revealed with the conspiracy to commit murder it’s only a matter of time before he receives the same fate. She’s without a doubt the nastiest woman that has ever set foot in Montana. When John died so did his power and Jamie’s last name adopted or not doesn’t hold the power it once did.

When Jamie calls to apologize for getting in a fight with Sarah a car pulls up beside her asking for directions. And in a jump-scare, a silencer shot goes directly to her head and several times in her upper body. The professionals are cleaning up their mess and Jamie is left in agony hearing her die. Never have I seen a more satisfying one, but Jamie still has a price to pay. Justice will be served soon in the form of Beth.

Don’t miss a brand new episode of Yellowstone next week at 8/7c on Paramount Network to see how the family drama unfolds as the Indian reservation and land developers threaten the Dutton family ranch. More secrets and more scares await this family at every turn.