The penultimate episode of Yellowstone, "Give the World Away" sets off at the Yellowstone ranch as they get ready for the auction. John Dutton is now gone and Beth has taken the reins, even bossing the boys to make sure everything is shiny and pristine for the sale.
Beth and Rip have a difference of opinion about the ranch's business model. Rip knows they can’t make enough from the cattle to pay the taxes, while Beth is trying to be realistic about what they need to accomplish to keep John’s dream afloat. What Rip has in his mind is a pipe dream, much like his mentor. It’s not a bad thing. He has learned everything from John, but it’s also the reason the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch is in this predicament.
Travis will soon be bringing the rest of the horses back to sell, but he’s going to sell the big money horses down south. He’s selling one later in the day and Beth hops on a jet to oversee the sale. Rip was not keen on Beth going there and being alone with Travis. He would screw Beth in front of Rip if given the chance, according to Rip. He seems nonchalant about the image, which is strange. Beth is worried that Travis would screw them in the deal, even though Rip assures her he would never. Nonetheless, she heads off and promises she’ll see him tonight.

Mo and Thomas look on as the pipeline drilling continues. The two stare in disbelief at what they are doing. There’s nothing they can do to stop it. “It’s up to the people now,” Thomas tells him.
Mo wonders what their people can do about it and Rainwater smoothly tells him you can’t build a pipeline if you don’t have any pipe. That may be declaring war but war is something they have been used to for over 160 years.
“Our side just stopped fighting,” Thomas tells Mo. Desperate times will call for desperate measures.
Jamie Dutton’s world is in shambles
It’s now becoming common knowledge in the media reports that Governor John Dutton was murdered over the cancellation of a multi-billion dollar planned community financed by one of the largest private equity firms in the world. Some think Jamie did it but even Chief Counsel Ellis states in the meeting that if it was him he would have been the one gunned down, not Atwood.
Ellis swiftly makes a phone call next and thinks it's time to bring in an outside firm because it’s becoming clear Sarah Atwood was involved. Before he can finish the call, Detective Dillard comes in with the FBI to raid Sarah’s office for evidence.
Meanwhile, Jamie is lying on his couch still in devastation over the loss of his girlfriend. More of it is probably depression that his world is crashing down around him. It’s already all over the news that Jamie. the attorney general, was Sarah Atwood’s latest contact and they had partook in a sexual relationship. Evidence with them from the Deerfield Club has been discovered. If you recall Beth put her investigative skills to work earlier in season 5. She must have anonymously sent that evidence in. Even back then, she knew Jamie was up to something. We love an intelligent woman.

Now because Jamie was for the project development and John was dead set against it it makes this a tricky situation for Jamie to worm his way out of. It’s said he stood to benefit from a lease of land at the center of the development. It doesn’t take long for him to figure out Beth is the mastermind behind this and calls Beth as soon as that light bulb goes off.
Jamie thinks he has the upper hand because he knows all the family’s secrets, but that couldn’t be so far from the truth. He exclaims to Beth that she will destroy the entire family if she destroys him. If she goes down this road she will end the legacy of the Dutton ranch. Their name would be soiled. The ranch would be lost, and her freedom gone. Beth Dutton is quick to remind him that his name is no longer his. And soon the world will know it.
There is a strong possibility if Beth takes Jamie down, Jamie will take the Dutton family name down right along with him. However, with only one more episode to go, it only leaves enough time for Jamie’s demise which at this point is inevitable. Jamie may know all of her, Rip's, and Kayce’s secrets but not much can be done if he’s not alive to tell the story. This is what Beth promises and unlike Jamie, she vows to keep her promises. But first, the world will know what Jamie did.

Can we just talk about the beautiful landscape that is Montana? The glorious green mountains topped off with a hint of snow. It’s a view I’m going to miss. And I too understand, why John Dutton fought so hard for it.
After Kayce counts the coup, he returns to Monica as promised. Monica wants to know what he did and Kayce replies he showed the people who came after his father what will happen if they come after her or his family. And now they understand. So when Kayce and Monica walk away they can do so in peace and safety without the dangers following them. Monica wants to know if that’s what they are doing. It appears Kayce has some big plans he’s not yet letting his wife in on.
The wagon boss and widow return
Jake, Ryan, Walker, and Teeter make it back from Texas. It’s always a friendly welcome but not a happy one. Teeter comes to a home without Colby and it’s bittersweet, to say the least. Ryan gets ready to have a talk with Teeter and to comfort her, but Walker of all people steps up to handle it for him. What a long way he has come. I think he sensed it would be too hard on him and he had his grief to deal with.
Teeter tells Lloyd they should have shot that horse dead a long time ago. Walker tells her there ain't no sense in hating the horse. That horse was simply doing what he was born to do. Some horses aren’t meant to be tamed. Some horses aren’t meant to be wild. He tells her it was over for Colby before he even knew it happened.
I do have to say the blame lies more on the fault of Rip than Carter. It’s a dangerous job yes, but this kind of accident seems to follow Rip like a curse.
Lloyd lets Teeter know he didn’t let Beth mail everything and hands her Colby’s hat. It was such a sweet and heartbreaking moment. As she puts it on it’s very symbolic of carrying Colby’s love with her. But there’s no time for grief, not yet, it’s time to get to work while there is still some left.
Ryan and Rip have their first meetup since Texas. He hands Rip a check and says that should pay a lot of the taxes. Unfortunately, it won’t even make a dent. Ryan wants to know what the plan is. Rip lets him know there isn’t much of one but there won’t be much of anything but daywork at Yellowstone. He wants to keep Carter and Lloyd on but the others will not have problems finding good work at other outfits.

Ryan has come a long way since first stepped foot onto the Yellowstone as a young cowboy. He now has a wagon boss to put on his resume. But pride of succession is not what he’s feeling. He’s merely reminded just how quickly life moves on.
Beth comes up to Travis’ compound. Instantly she sees the flag. “Of course, he has his own flag, asshole.” She mutters to herself. There’s a group of Brazilians already there for the sale. They are growing impatient as Travis is nowhere in their sights. She makes her way up to the main house to find the arrogant boss and surprise surprise he’s playing strip poker with a bunch of young women.
The overly confident horse trainer has lost all track of time and Beth lets him know the buyers are here. She even meets the girlfriend of Travis and is shocked he has one as he’s living the life of some kind of western Pavarotti.
Travis begins to show the horse at the arena. He’s probably the most arrogant and misogynistic man Beth has ever met. And she tells his girlfriend so. She wants to know the appeal of this man. The woman asks well have you ever seen him ride. Beth watches the man and starts to get it. Insinuating he can move his hips like no other.
Sly Travis dresses up a bunch of maintenance workers to pretend to be buyers, so the Brazilians go up in price as they bid. Impressively, it works and the horse ends up getting sold for 3 million.
They sure know how to have fun in Texas, but it becomes a little off-putting. We knew Travis was a horn dog, I don’t know that we needed an entire episode to prove it. This may be what you can look forward to in a 4 Sixes spinoff but it just felt like an extension of Taylor Sheridan’s life. Don’t get me wrong it looks fascinating but it didn’t feel like Yellowstone.
Yellowstone season 5 episode 13 ending explained
Charlie Ferguson shows up at the ranch for the auction, all thanks to Rip as he wanted to send this place off right. Soon he lets Lloyd know he wants him to stay on. Lloyd is curious if there’s anything to stay on for. It will be when they build it back up Rip tells him in response. Lloyd has been there for 43 years. It’s his home. He was dreading walking away from it and appreciated Rip for his loyalty.
Back in Jamie’s world, he begs for the help of his ex-girlfriend/baby’s momma. He tells her he had nothing to do with his father’s death which is a bold-faced lie. She only agrees to help because he is the father of her son and informs him to do a press conference. To lie about the affair and any involvement.
Christina should be smart enough to see the holes in his story. As the attorney general why didn’t he have Sarah arrested immediately if he had no involvement? Good question girl, that should have been your red flag. Jamie’s leaving out the part where he told Atwood to go ahead with it. It doesn’t matter if he didn’t think it was a serious conversation.
She goes on to tell him to clarify that you only worked closely with her to restore the development. Blame those who try to insinuate an affair that happened out of bias and to praise his father and his love for Montana. Stand against it so you don’t look complicit. Even though he is. To let the people know it was a murder of their freedom and he will avenge them. Now that sounds like a real pipe dream.
Beth returns after trauma in Texas
Beth returns in a sassy mood after Travis’ charms. She does not understand how Rip can be friends with a guy like that. Rip proceeds to tell her a story about a bar fight he got into over a woman 20 years ago. A guy cut into the girl he was dating. The man wouldn’t back off so Rip introduced his face to the floor. Long story short, Travis stepped in and defended him, they both got the crap kicked out of them but remained friends ever since.
Monica and Beth feel more like sisters than they ever had before. She asks Beth if they’ll make enough money to cover the taxes. It won’t even come close she tells her. But it covers the debt for the mortgage which will cover the taxes. But it will run out. Then they’ll have to start selling off pieces of the land to cover the debt. There’s no real solution to any of it. It’s only buying time.
Beth wants to have the funeral right after the auction. Inviting nobody but close friends and family. The funeral is for him, and him only. And soon the dispersal sale begins.
The Turnpike Troubadours start to play and the cowboys talk about the outfits that are hiring hands. Walker wants to go back to Texas but Jimmy states the sixes only hire married men at the camps. So they don’t chase around all the vet techs. So far, the only bunkhouse boys with a happy ending are Walker and Lloyd, for the moment.
Beth lets the bartender know to make the drinks light tonight and double them up for tomorrow. It’s a two-day auction and they have to save a little money. Beth then has a really big moment of growth when she eyes Lynelle, and invites her to attend John’s funeral.
John and Lynelle used to ride around and do “other things” as teenagers. Then a strange conversation about John’s early sex life occurs. Talking about your father’s sex life would be odd for most, but never for Beth. Next, she asked Lynelle if she knew her mother. And she did, very well. I’m not sure where Beth was going with it, or if it was a reminder that John only loved her mother.
Kayce and Monica share a sweet dance. He still won’t tell Monica about his big plans but in his heart, he knows it’s going to work, and that it’s the right thing. Not just for them but for everyone. He may just be the savior the family needs.
Yellowstone: It’s transplant-bashing time
As the episode moves on Beth’s heart becomes even more tender. She sees Teeter in all her pain, and she knows that pain. Then she offers to take her to the Deerfield Club and bust some balls of the out-of-towners. Beth shows off her talents to cheer herself up, and Teeter.

Beth reads a poor schmuck named Aaron. Teeter is wildly in awe and maybe a little fearful. She didn’t know she was psychic and called her a witch. Teeter tries it next and hilariously fails. I don’t think she quite understands the game. But she thanks Beth for taking her out and trying. They each have a hole in their heart and are bound together for life, by heartache.
The second day of the auction commences and John and Colby are honored. It was something the characters and the audience needed, with a moving tribute shared.
“I ask you all to remain standing as we honor a man who dedicated his life to preserving our way of life. Just as we honor a cowboy, who gave his life in service of that land and the livestock that nourishes your body. Dear Lord, we know you have already received them both. They look down on their family and friends and know the love and peace that we all seek. We know that look down and see us all hurting. Hurting from their absence in our lives. If John Dutton were here today his one hope would be that he inspired in you the tenacity to persevere in a world that sees you as the farmer, the rancher, the food producers of this nation, and the world as an obstacle instead of the keystone to their very survival. May we all learn from John Dutton’s tireless defense of your freedom and your purpose. And may we look to the life of a cowboy, Colby Mayfield. Mountain valleys for an office, a horse for his commute, a rope for his chores, and a hat for shade. That is freedom. Colby died exercising that freedom and John Dutton died protecting it. To both, we say farewell and thank you.”
Beth and Carter got to share another sweet moment. He’s not sure what to do, there’s no work. Beth kisses his cheek and tells him to sleep in then. I think we are finally well past the point of Rip and Beth ever denying Carter as a son again.
This season should win awards for the score. The music is so thought out a meticulously placed in the right spots, for the right moments. It gives you chills and makes an already emotional time, more emotional.
The ranch made 30 million dollars, and it bought them another year. Longer if the rates come down. It’s good news and Beth tells Kayce to promise him he will not spend a dime on anything he’s earned from this ranch. To learn from John’s mistakes because you can’t save a ranch that way.
As the episode winds down Kayce asks his sister a business question. If he bought her three hundred thousand dollar car for one dollar and he registered that car would he pay taxes for what he paid for or the value of the car? Of course, you only pay for what the sale price is. Now enter Kayce’s brilliant idea.
Before euphoric Kayce leaves Beth runs up to the car. In shock herself, that she didn’t think of that idea. He tells her to give him a day. The plan is to give it away or give it at a very low cost so the taxes are much much lower. The only way to save the Yellowstone is to give it away. But to who?
Tune in next week at 8/7c on Paramount Network to see how it all ends in the series finale of Yellowstone.