1923 season 2 episode 2 recap: The Rapist Is Winter


In the opening moments of episode 2 of 1923, Donald Whitfield and Banner Creighton take a car ride together. The ruthless billionaire explains he’s no longer a peasant anymore and he should move his family to town. But Banner doesn’t trust the town or the sheriff. McDowell is far too deep in Jacob Dutton’s pockets. 

They stop the car watching the Norwegian miners ski down part of Whitfield’s property. He isn’t angry, much more intrigued after Banner tells him he allowed them to do so. In Banner’s eyes, if they want to kill themselves, go ahead. This is an era of time where skiing is not popular in the United States and a light sets off in Whitfield’s head. He sees the vision of what this could become as a potential goldmine. His financial gears are always kicking. 

The buck stops here

In town, Jacob and Sheriff McDowell await to speak to Judge Roy. Jack is told to wait and not bring any unneeded attention to himself. Because of the hot head he can be, it’s sage advice. 

Before Jacob and the sheriff walk in, Roy can be seen making himself a cup of Irish coffee. And in the world of prohibition, it might not have been the smartest move with law enforcement at every corner. Nevertheless, the judge is pretty confident in his actions, not worried about any repercussions. 

Jacob and McDowell are shown into his office and they have a chat about the People vs Davis. The state does not recognize the marriage, and Roy has not figured out the sentence as of yet. No matter what move he makes it’s going to come at the expense of the state. Whether it’s deporting Alice Davis or sending the children to be raised by the state. Jacob offers him a deal to leave the Davis family in his custody, which wouldn’t cost the state a dime. 

1923 season 2 episode 2 | Paramount+

Judge Roy does agree to supervised probation in Jacob Dutton’s custody, but only if Alice reveals the priest who issued the marriage. Jacob has been pushed as far as he will go, and throws back the fact that two states over Judge Roy and his Crow wife would be considered an invalid marriage as well. He slyly remarks it’s a good thing he’s in Montana then. But the Dutton patriarch is not amused. 

During this standoff Jacob comes to the realization there’s more in this coffee than beans, and the judge gets cornered by the two men. The deal is they release the Davis family or Roy is going to take a little trip down to the sheriff's office. Blackmail at its finest, but desperate times. In the end, Roy’s alcohol supplier is more sacred to him than a marriage of mongrels and he signs off the family’s release. 

Helen Mirren in 1923 season 2
Helen Mirren in 1923 season 2 | Paramount+

Back on the ranch, snow has covered the ground and Elizabeth goes to check in on the chickens. Bloody poultry is found all over the ground with the growling of an animal deep in the shadows. Last week almost devoured by a mountain lion, and this week, a wolf is in her crosshairs. As she runs out and locks the chicken coup door, she must run for her life. But of course, the wolf didn’t get in through the door and came out of his hole chasing her down and biting her leg. 

Fortunately, the young Dutton is once again saved in the nick of time. Cara calls for Dr. Miller, hoping he will get there in time before the winter storm comes. 

I do love the moments where Cara Dutton is saying exactly what everyone is thinking. However, Elizabeth’s father was a Montana rancher. Life is always rough on a ranch, and she should know a lot more than she lets on. 

Back on the slope, Whitfield is questioning one of the Norwegians about skiing. He wants the sport explained to him. The miner tells him he learned it in the army and Whitfield wants to know everything about it. He’s shown how you lean forward on the skis and bend at the knee while you control your body’s balance by going side to side. It’s not difficult but you will spend a few days on your ass. Anyone can get the hang of it, especially children. The miner is happy to teach him but Donald Whitfield has no time for such an event. He does, however, see dollar signs in his eyes. 

“The euphoria of peril”

Whitfield tries to get Banner to see the beauty in it. Men love danger, even Banner. There is something about the adventure of a dangerous situation that makes a person feel alive. Skiing is the closest thing a man can come to flying while on land. It’s a rich man's world now and everyone gets a taste. He knows this is something he can sell and prosper in. Thus, Montana’s future in ski resorts has begun. 

In the city, Jacob does not want to risk another night in town, but the snowstorm is quickly approaching. Jack knows it’s pushing it to make it back in time. But Jacob doesn’t think the Davis family will mind traveling in a covered wagon after their ordeal. At least they will be together and finally have hope for tomorrow again. 

1923 season 2 | Paramount+

Zane Davis is doing unwell and even when Jacob informs him they are going home to his ranch, he doesn’t yet see the future in it. He’s not bedridden out of despair. It’s because he can’t stand for more than a minute without throwing up his guts. He can’t walk and none of the doctors there have looked him over. Jack reassures his friend and partner they will get him fixed up before he knows it, but it doesn’t look good. After the beating he got at the hands of Whitfield, it may have left permanent effects on the brain. 

Jacob assures Zane that come spring Donald Whitfield will have payback coming to him. That all sounds well and good, but Zane isn’t sure if any of them will be left by then. And he has a point. Whitfield is a coward and cowards will always strike when you are down. 

A new home for Teonna

Teonna and Pete finally make it back to her father after daybreak. It was a long hunting expedition with no meat upon the return. Teonna informs her father that they are in Texas and it’s no longer Quanah Parker’s home. Quanah’s people moved 100 miles north to the east. Runs His Horse does not trust the information, and he certainly doesn’t trust cowboys no matter how cordial they were to Pete. Teonna doesn’t want to go to the Comanche Reservation, she wants to stay on the ranch and hopes they can help look for strays in exchange for staying on the land. He tells the couple to stay put while he tracks down the cowboy and seeks to talk to the rancher. 

1923 season 2 | Paramount+

Marshal Kent and Father Renaud step into another Marshal’s post. To Kent’s surprise, it’s a female Marshal named Mamie Fossett, and he wastes no time disrespecting her. She has no qualms about telling Marshal Kent what she thinks of him, a bigot living in the wrong century. When they show her a picture of Teonna the “murderous savage” she can’t believe a crime so large would come from the girl. Regardless, she tells them to have her second in command there sketch the girl and they will start posting them all over. Leaving Kent with a warning to trade lightly. This is Comanche Nation and if you don’t respect them hell could come your way. 

Welcome to Galveston

Luca and Spencer finally make the shoreline and are quickly met by an Italian in a suit telling them to put a shipment on a dolly and follow him. Welcome to Galveston. 

There’s a perplexed feeling in the air for Spencer, but Luca is thrilled to see his cousin Maceo. The news comes that Spencer saved Luca’s life and they want to celebrate him. Spencer reluctantly agrees, but he doesn’t care, he doesn’t have time for this. His family needs him. 

A little-known fact the Maceo Crime family was a real crime family in Galveston. Also known as the Maceo Syndicate. They operated in illegal gambling, prostitution, bootlegging, and racketeering. 

Spencer Dutton has not met any Italians before. He sits in the kitchen of Hotel Galvez and sees the chef pulling out a pizza. It’s the first time for the Dutton heir. He’s never seen it before much less tasted it. Hilariously, he tries to cut it to take, a bite and the chef must show him how pizza is to be eaten properly. 

Spencer doesn’t waste any time on finishing his meal. He has to send word back and needs a telegraph office. One of Maceo’s men accompanies Spencer, a big Italian dude with zero patience. When Spencer tries to skip out on his celebration, Angelo explains it would be bitter disrespect to the boss. Running out of patience, Spencer beats him and goes another way. 

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Jacob Dutton is going through his own trouble. The snowstorm is hitting hard and he leads everyone into the pines to try and avoid some of the wind. The horses are released for their survival and they tip the wagon over and huddle inside together. I never thought I would hear the word snuggle come out of Jacob’s mouth, but you’ll do most of anything for warmth in this situation. 

Back at the Dutton ranch, Dr. Miller and his nurse have arrived. There’s no telling for sure if the wolf was rabid so Dr. Miller suggested they do 12 rounds of rabies shots just to be on the safe side. Elizabeth of course can’t do anything without being annoying and tried to refuse it. Rabies is fatal, and I’m not sure why she’s dumb enough to fight it. She’s sick of the elements, and animals, and nearly dying at every turn, but this is life on a ranch. I’m confused as to why she’s acting new to this. 

1923 season 2 | Paramount+

The doctor and nurse have to forcibly hold her down and administer the shot. Cara has had it up to here with the girl, but she keeps her Cara coolness. Even when Elizabeth is crying and saying she can’t do this anymore. She loves Jack but wants to go to Boston and be with her family. Cara tells her to wait until the spring, there’s nothing as splendid as the mountains in that season, but Jack’s wife assures her she won’t be there. At that point, Cara is like whatever, girl. 

Banner Creighton has a talk with Clyde at the bar. For the first time, fear is all over him. He admits to being scared of Donald Whitfield, scared to death. Whitfield can see through people. See the greed in people’s hearts and makes a dynasty out of it. 

Respect the Comanches

Father Renaud, Marshal Kent, and Marshal Thomas are all relaxing by the fire. Ironically, Renaud doesn’t see the issues in bi-racial marriages. Telling the Marshals in the south of France it’s quite common because black men used to run a lot of Europe. They aren’t buying it and laugh it off. And just as Mamie said if you don’t respect the Comanche they won’t respect you. Thomas is struck with one of their arrows and the Father and Kent flee before shooting their way out of their predicament. 

1923 season 2 | Paramount+

Alex’s journey is an interesting one. She’s now slumming it down in second class. While she lies in her bed thinking about Spencer, her mind is already on the thought of the army of babies they will make. Well, let’s maybe get the first one out first. But I guess she is a dreamer. The seas are very rocky, but I have a feeling the journey will continue to be that rough even when she meets landfall. 

In exchange for a ticket back home, Spencer and Luca must take a shipment of alcohol to Fort Worth. From there he can send Luca back by train, and he’s free to take the truck and get home to Montana. Maceo gives them money to bribe police officers for bootlegging and a gun for those they can’t. It’s about as close as you can come to a death sentence. They’ll have to bribe, murder, or become murdered in the process. 

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In Montana, Cara is startled awake by the noise of a screaming woman. At first, unclear if it’s Elizabeth or the nurse. But when Cara comes downstairs with her shotgun she sees the house in shambles. The nurse has reached an untimely fate, as wind whistles across the room. The door has been left open and Cara shoots the growling wolf that entered, out of what I’m assuming is sheer stupidity. 

Another new episode of 1923 will air next Sunday on Paramount+.