Is Keira Knightley Still in the Running for True Detective?


Amidst all of the new information that recently came pouring out about True Detective’s second outing, one piece that was easy to miss involved Keira Knightley. Deadline reported that Knightley’s name has entered the mix of lead actors in the same sentence as Rachel McAdams, who at the time was thought to have a “scheduling conflict with a movie.”

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Granted, this was posted before it was announced that Rachel McAdams was offered the role. But that begs the question: where do things sit with Knightley now? If Rachel McAdams figured out how to fit True Detective in her schedule after all, that doesn’t necessarily mean that she’s out of the picture.

Knightley could just as easily fill a different role on the show, or perhaps appear as a yet undisclosed lead. You never know. Even though McAdams was publicly offered the role of the third lead, there has yet to be actual confirmation that she’ll be taking it.

Things have been very exciting around the True Detective camp as of late, and it looks like things are finally starting to fall into place in a meaningful way. Once production officially begins, it’s just a short wait until January.