AMC releases The Walking Dead season 8 trailer at SDCC

If you were hoping for a trailer for The Walking Dead season 8 from the 2017 San Diego Comic-Con then you’re in luck!

AMC has gifted The Walking Dead fans the first official season 8 trailer, shown at the 2017 San Diego Comic-Con. Only yesterday, we were talking about the release date being announced for season 8 and waited anxiously to see if AMC had brought any more treats with them to San Diego. Well, it did. Check it out:

There is a lot to unpack in this five-minute trailer, so let’s just get started. This seemed like an odd way to kick off things, but we open with someone breathing heavily, as the sound of agitated walkers increases. And then, Negan asks Father Gabriel if he has his “shittin’ pants on.”

We are then taken through a lengthy montage of several characters, starting with Rick and then quickly moving through most everyone on the show. The montage ends and Rick begins to talk about how Jesus told him his world was about to get a whole lot bigger. “Those who use and take and kill…we end them!”

A worrisome shot of King Ezekiel and Jerry are shown. Jerry seems to be thanking the King for “being such a cool dude.” Please don’t let this be Jerry’s swan song. Rick’s speech continues as he talks about what the group has already been through. No matter what happens “We’ve won. We’ve already won!”

We’re taken through another montage, this one quite thrilling, as Maggie tells the group the world is theirs for the taking. It appears as if the different leaders are taking turns giving uplifting speeches to their combined groups. Is this a preamble to a major battle?

The trailer ends, and we’re left with the video fading to black, then coming back in on what appears to be a dream sequence. We’re looking at a walking cane. Fans of the comics will recognize it immediately.

A room in shown with flowers on a bedside table and someone out of focus lying on the bed. The camera comes into focus and we see the grey-bearded face of Rick Grimes. He looks much older, almost as if we’ve jumped forward in time.

Well, that was one heck of a ride! I am honestly surprised AMC decided to reveal so much in one trailer, so far out from the season 8 premiere.

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The Walking Dead returns to AMC, for season 8, on October 22.