Cobra Kai releases third trailer for YouTube Red series

Cobra Kai is coming later this year on YouTube Red, and the Karate Kid sequel series just released a third trailer.

The first trailer for the series was an interesting look at the fact that Cobra Kai is bringing back both Daniel (Ralph Macchio) and Johnny (William Zabka) for the new series, but didn’t show anything from the story outside of the fact that they are still not seeing eye-to-eye.

The second trailer for Cobra Kai showed nothing but Johnny, as he sets out to revive the karate dojo that trained him and showed a teenager that Johnny is training. While the trailer did not reveal too much, the synopsis indicates that this teen is bullied — much like Daniel was as a child — and Johnny is who comes to help him. A nice role reversal.

This third Cobra Kai trailer goes one step further with the role reversal. This one is all about Daniel, and he seems like he has grown up to be quite a jerk.

There is a shot of Daniel with his wife, as he says that the Cobra Kai dojo won’t reopen “on my watch.” There is also a shot of at his job as a car salesman, kicking someone’s drink out of their hands. We also get a look at Johnny and Daniel face-to-face at the car lot.

When someone jokes that this is the guy whose butt Daniel kicked, Daniel responds that to be technical, he kicked Johnny’s face. With the synopsis being clear that Johnny is down on his luck and is helping a bullied child, and Daniel — in this trailer at least — almost reversing the role as the bully towards Johnny, one wonders if this is painting Daniel as the antagonist this time around.

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Cobra Kai debuts later in 2018 on YouTube Red, although an official premiere date has yet to be set. Do the new trailers interest you in the series? Does Daniel seem to come across to you as a dick?  Keep the conversation going in the comments section below and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook & Twitter for more on your favorite shows!