Westworld casts Aaron Paul for recurring role in season three

HBO’s Westworld has cast Aaron Paul in a recurring role for the series’ third season.

Former Breaking Bad and The Path actor Aaron Paul has been cast in an as yet unknown recurring role for the third season of Westworld. Paul, who has won several Emmys for his performance as Jesse Pinkman on AMC’s Breaking Bad, has joined an already stellar cast as Westworld prepares for its mysterious and narratively ambitious third season. Whether his character is a host or human and where he fits in chronologically is anyone’s guess.

Westworld, created by Christopher Nolan and Lisa Joy and based on Michael Crichton’s 1973 film of the same name, takes place in a series of theme parks populated by lifelike androids called hosts and explores their journey toward sentience.

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Season two of the series ended on somewhat of a cliffhanger as Dolores escapes the park and into the real world. Once free, she brings Bernard back online in order to balance out her own narrative – giving her someone to fight against as well as giving the humans someone to fight for them as she continues her struggle to make the world her own.

While little is known about what is in store for season three, rumor has it that the action might take place primarily in the far future. Since the main characters at this point are both hosts, their lifespans and storylines are infinite compared to those of humans.

There is also a suggestion that humans are still attempting to download themselves into host bodies, giving human characters we know the chance to still be a part of the fight. Of course, the question is that once humans figure out how to become basically immortal by using host bodies, how does this make them different from the hosts they’re fighting? This is exactly the kind of question Westworld is designed to explore.

Are you excited to see Aaron Paul join Westworld? Tell us in the comments below!

Source: Deadline