Doctor Who: New Year’s Day special to air on BBC America

Doctor Who is getting a New Year’s Day special for the first time ever!

Doctor Who is all about changes in its 11th season and along with having a female doctor for the first time ever and a new showrunner, the series will be doing it’s first ever New Years Day special! While we dearly miss having a Christmas-themed Doctor Who episode, this new change might be a new tradition we can look forward to every year.

Before the big New Year’s Day special, there will be a marathon of all the Christmas episodes leading up to the day of. On December 24th the marathon will begin at 12 PM EST and go into Christmas Day. In the days after, there will be a marathon celebrating the previous doctors starting with Peter Capaldi, and then going into Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, and Matt Smith, according to Deadline.

This marathon will go right into New Year’s Day when the special will air (yay!). It’s basically the best present Doctor Who could give us for changing it up on fans this year, and we have to say we are not disappointed.

The special will be written by showrunner Chris Chibnall and directed by Preacher’s Wayne Yip. So what can we expect the Doctor and the companions to get up to as we ring in the New Year? It appears an evil will be traveling across centuries in Earth’s history and it will be up to the Doctor and her companions to save Earth.

In an interview, Chibnall stated that they are all very excited to have Doctor Who kick off the New Year and for families to gather for an hour of adventure and action. Mr. Chibnall, we can’t wait either!

The Doctor Who season 11 finale will air on December 9th on BBC America and then just a couple weeks later–the marathon!