Dogs of Berlin season 1, episode 6 recap: Offside

Grimmer gets serious about the investigation but still has a bunch of serious debts to pay and corruption to cover for. The clans go to war on Dogs of Berlin.

Grimmer shows up after the Brotherhood has left. He and Paula fight about whatever Grimmer has done to bring them back into their lives – gambling, obviously. The Brotherhood wants to go to war over the missing money and their arrival was a warning. Grimmer promises that he’ll have the money for them by the deadline tomorrow. Ulf is especially worried because if Grimmer doesn’t pay them back on time, Ulf will also be punished with something they call “ball games”. I think we can imagine at least a little of what that might entail on Dogs of Berlin.

Hans is in trouble of his own and needs all the money from the raids to pay a settlement or else he goes to jail. Grimmer doesn’t tell him he already used the money behind his back, but instead promises him he’ll work it out and be in touch. Grimmer publically announces that the Kovac clan likely had nothing to do with Erdem’s murder. This announcement comes on the heels of an arrangement Grimmer made with the football association president asking him to drop match-fixing from the investigation. He sends Hans to pick up the bribe money in his place, an exchange which is observed and photographed.

Meanwhile, Kovac and Tarik-Amir suspect each other of killing Erdem to set police suspicion on the other, betraying their truce. Tarik-Amir sends a hit squad to shoot up one of Kovac’s betting shops but also kills a little girl in the process. Grimmer is outraged, so he and Erol get serious about working together to stop the clan war.

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Murad and Raif go to a club and crash the performance when Hafti asks for a volunteer from the audience to rap. Murad kills it and Hafti invites him to party with him, but Murad has an important math test to study for. He gives him a sample of his work to listen to and he gives Murad his card. Apparently, Murad has killer flow, which to my ears sounds rhythmless and poorly paced, but maybe I’m listening to it wrong. After Murad’s test, he and Raif go together to meet Hafti, who says he has good beats but that he’s not gangster enough to do gangster rap. No one likes a faker.

Bine is embarrassingly childish when her ex-husband comes to pick up the kids for his weekend. She mocks him grotesquely for absolutely nothing. Who knows what is in their past, but her behavior is strikingly juvenile and vindictive compared with his reasonable exasperation. With her kids out of the way, she spends her time masturbating, eating pizza, playing video games, and facebook stalking Paula.

Terrifyingly, Bine sneaks into Grimmer’s house and snoops around his home life. Predictably, the kids and the babysitter come home while she’s still there and she has to hide. Not long later, Grimmer comes home and Bine hangs from a second-floor window to hide from him. She falls and seriously injures herself. She escapes the house but collapses in the street.

Erol goes to talk to his dad but loses his nerve, nearly collapsing in fear. He drives off as his dad watches him go. This apparently upset his dad, who goes on an angry rampage at his mother’s house. Meanwhile, Erol continues to suspect Grimmer of corrupt behavior and follows him to what turns out to be a policeman choir practice. Grimmer hilariously catches him at it before he can sneak away.

Bou’Penga gets his red card, which puts his reputation and sponsorships in jeopardy but saves him from immediate blackmail.

Paula gets assaulted by Nike and her gang, but her handsome stranger comes along to save her. They sit down to have a beer together and he suggests they go out dancing.

Everyone is so angry that Paula seems so perfect. They resent her for shoving her perfection in their face when their lives seem so hard. Nike clearly has some anger issues and a difficult life, so that makes sense, but even Grimmer resents Paula for being perfect and uses it as an excuse for why he can’t talk to her about his problems. He really is a jerk for blaming his own communication skills – or lack thereof – on Paula. If he wanted to tell her about what’s going on, he would, and she is perfectly available to listen. She even keeps trying to talk to him, but he’s always too busy. Grimmer can be a real dick. He even messes with Petrovic’s feelings before he lets her down. Real smooth.

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