Whiskey Cavalier season 1, episode 7 recap: Spain, Trains, and Automobiles


Whiskey Cavalier gives Frankie and Will some alone time–and we loved every moment of it.

Whiskey Cavalier is teasing us hardcore with the whole Will and Frankie potential romance storyline. We are so here for any moment the two of them can get together, and this episode gives us just a glimpse of it. Please make it happen before this season ends–please?

This episode brings Will face-to-face with someone from his past, and let’s just say he’s not exactly happy to deal with this man named Jimmy. The reason Will had so much animosity towards him was that Jimmy made his way to the top the corrupt way. And now, the team has to get back the plutonium that Jimmy has stolen.

A bar fight, bloody nose, and slight victory later, the team manages to get a tracker onto dear ‘ol Jimmy. And basically, the mission ends very early on leaving Will and Frankie with some idle time. However, there’s no such thing as free or idle time on Whiskey Cavalier because Will and Frankie had to find a place to hide out when Jimmy manages to escape.

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But by the end, the team manages to score a win when Frankie and Will set Jimmy up. Go Team…WilKie? But all of this comes at a cost considering Ray set up the mission so Emma would be forced to leave her current one and join Will and Frankie. Emma isn’t too pleased with this because she doesn’t think that Will’s job is more important than hers, and she’s annoyed that Will didn’t say anything.


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Now, let’s talk a little bit about Standish and his new boo thang, Tina. Standish made a complete fool of himself trying to impress her when all he had to do was be himself. I will say that it’s super cute how everyone comes together to help Standish out. What a cute team effort!

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Now, before we wrap up this recap, we have to talk about the fleeting moments Will and Frankie got on their own, which included getting a massage. Unfortunately, they don’t get much time alone because Emma shows up, but I ate up every single moment until then.

Here’s to hoping SOMETHING happens soon between them on Whiskey Cavalier. I’m sorry Emma, but Frankie all the way.

Whiskey Cavalier airs every Wednesday at 10 PM EST!